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Show Son Lost Mother. "Consumption runs in our family, and through it 1 lost my Mother, " write K. 15. K011I, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slightest slight-est plgn n( Cough or Cold, I havo takun Dr. Ki tip's New Discovery for Consumption, Con-sumption, which has Bifcd mo from serious lmiu trotihlo." Ills mother's ' ilenth wan a sad lose (or Mr. Held, but ho learned that lum? trouble- must not bo neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and euro for coughs and colds. Prlco 50c and $1.00; guaranteed at T J. Wtidswortli'd ilrugstoro. Trial bottle free. Mr una crrUld NOTICK TO WATKIt USJltS. Statu Kngineer's Oltlcc, Salt Lnko City, Utah, Sept, 2, 1003. Notice in hciehy clven that Don Stroii);, whoso onlolllco address is Alpine, 8. L. Uhipuian and J. II. Clark, whoso postolllcu nddiu's is Ameiicaii I'ork and A. J. Kvnus whose postolllce address Is Lehl, Imvo made application in accordanco with the nquireiuenta of Chapter 108, Session Lawn of Utah, 1005, to apprupriato foi ty(-10)8ccond-fcet of water llimliist from Alpine Creek, Utah County, Utah. I'arl of bald water will bo diverted from tho north branch of said stream, at 11 point which Ik'iuh north -ie degrees HO inlnutea east l;i,'.6U feet distant fium the south east coruur uf Section 7, TovMiHliip 1 south, Itnugo 'i east, Salt I.ako hare mid meridian, and the rt iiniiiiderof said watnr will ho diverted from the smith branch of saitl a'reaui,atn point which lu'iirh inirlli Dt degrees in miniiti'S cast ll.IIOO feet tlirttanl fium tho section comer above described. From thou points the water will becomojed to 11 main pipe line, which will can v It foi n distance of i:i,000 feet where ft will bo uied (torn January let to Drrcmbcrttlst, inclusive, of each ear, to develop power for the purM3u'clcctiIu liuhlitig and propelling propell-ing iiincliincry in Salt hake and Utah t'ouu'ii'H, Utah. Afler having been so diverted and uted, the water will be ie-lurned ie-lurned to lliu nuliiral stream, at u point which bears north 3d deyrccs cast 11)00 feet distant fiom the south east corner of Section 7, Township I touth, Itango '2 cast, Salt l.ako base anil meridian. All piotcsts ngaiint the grunting of said application, slating tliu leasour therefor, must hf made by alliditNit in duplicate and llled in this ollice within thirty (.'10) dnjd niter the completion of the publication of this nolle c OAI.KIt TANNhlt, State Kngiueer. Dalo of first publication September 2Mb, date of completion of publication October S8H1. r t I f - "" " ?OTIOI3 OF ASHEggMKNT No. 9. Early Harvest Conolldaied'.jliipg & Milling Co., prfnclpul place f bul ne Iehl, Utnh County, Utah, location of works Fish Bprfngn Mining Min-ing District, Utah. Notice h liereby given that t A meeting of tho directors lieW on the 13(h day of September, 1906, an assene-tnent assene-tnent of one-fourth of one cnt pet share was levied on the capital utock of tho corporation payable Immediately to tho secretary, 8. V. Pom, at Lehl City, Utah. Any stock upon which tho nssesinient remains unpaid on October 15, 1005, will bo declared delinquent delin-quent nml advertised for pale at public auction, and unless payment I made before will Imj sold on the 2nd day of November, 1005, nt the office of the tho Secretary, to pay tho delinquent assessment together with eoste o! advertising ad-vertising and expense of sale. S. W. HOS8, Secretary. We do all kinds of job printing at this office. Prices reasonable The Only Double-Trick RaHwajr MwHt Ibe Mliiour! River aa4 CUff, The Overland Limited The Most Luxurious Trabi lata World Compartment and drawing-room sleeping cars, observation eari, dining din-ing cars, buffet-smoking and hbrary cars, with barber, bath and Book-lovers Book-lovers Library; entire train electric lighted, through to Chicago without St.PaulandMiueafolis Tkkclt, rexrviltont, nl fun Information In-formation can b obuintl (rem C A. Wlkr, Ctntnl Attnt, Chicago & IM-Wistm fly. 38 West Second South St., Atlu Bltff ., nwo SH Uk CMrt Utaki Location Notices and Proof of Annual Labor for sale at Ibis otllce. J. T. WINN Complete stockf I Light and Hfcliivy Harness, HarneiB Extras, Whips, Pads, etc. Repair Work and Oiling a Specialty. Best Grade of Harness OH For Sae. ' LEHI - - UTAH. NEW ' Tin Shop Win. Aslior has purchased the businoBH of Bishop Earl and now solicits your patronage. ALL KINDS OP Tin and Galvanized Iron Work, Plumbing, etc. All Work Guaranteed. WM. ASHER. DORTON BROS. MEAT SHOP Fresh and Home Cured Meats. Highest Price Paid for Eggs and Ohickena, Veal and Pork. Telephone 23. LKHI - . UTAH. (Syerk Pills SSsa" L2 Sold for CO years. fcaraa.' Want your moustache or beard RlinKINOmU'Cvi flYF abeautiful brown or rlchblack? Use rJfASlfSLSiA e-ti&kMl iK .... . : ' I fT II If you want the best CK5S&5) 1 look for our trade mark ! Utahna Ohocolate3 j lvS are made by I fv, SOHUPE-WILLIAMSI Q CANDY CO. I y$ USSSSSi -i1 ' Robinson & Crooks' MILLERS KCFopgeti)iei)ot53 High Patent. ffiPeacoc!k,, Straight Grade. ALWAYS BUY THE BEST Eanle" Bakers. Robinson & Crooks. Am. Fori, out BANNER P " WITH C" M . IESS WORK m You can thoroughly clean your home and household utensils, including washing, at V L a cost of Ten cents a month. m k Sind fir frtt built t f IHE J. LUMSBT COMPANY, SiH FBWCISCfJjf II 111 I II I I i 1. L. ! - --0'$"S-6$...X nJSI All Winter -I To Galifornia t Round Trip Rate to the Land of X Perpetual Sunshine, Good for Six Months ! I FpQQ Reclining Chair Car I S"Pert Dining Car Service I A A I The trnjiiB of tho Snn Podro, L03 AiiroIch fe Salt 2 I Lako aro tho iiuost in tho West. Soo any agont or wnlo I b for information to I i J. L. MOORE, D. P. A., t Salt Lake, Utah. J: i "- iA 4-IPYOUHAVEACOOD A T&WmWiM. r BAILRQADsT 1 1 Time Card. j SOUTIIIIOUNI). 1.RAVK No. 10. No. (. 'nlt Uko 8:00.un C:00pm , l.thl 6:19a 111 Ii:G0pni Aincrlcnu I'oik S 60 n 111 G.50 p 111 I'royo IMS 11 111 0 20 p in Spring Hie lUUOuin OiliUpm fipnnleli Fork 0:40 in NOKTHDOUND. LKAVK No 7. o. I. No 0. Spnntah I'otk H:03 n 111 3pniiille8:l7 n 111 11 :S.1 n in 4:.0 i in I'roo. . ..8:1'8 a 111 1 01 p 111 1 :i0 p in nin. Pork 8:oU 11 in 12::i0 p 111 1:50 p in Lvhl 0:0.' a in l:l" p 111 Ti.00 p 111 Suit 1tiko 10: 0i) n in 1 :"' p m 0:M p in 1 I. A. llcntou, F. H. Ckkknk I Ocn'l Anciit. Local At'iit. No. P lortven Lehl nl 0.01 p in. n r- 1! rlvcs nt Ogdon 7:05 p. in. 1 SIX MIM.IONS DOM.AK3 Sl'KST , lly tho UNION I'AOFIU ItAIIiltOAI) CO. In improving lint wag nnclnnlly the lineal truck in the west KKSUl.r A cuinpnrntivcly htruluhtiui'l level ronl-licd ronl-licd b.i Hum it-'l with riuslluss Slmrinnn Urniilif 1 leriiitf poaslhlu tho IiIkIiuhI rnte of speed together with tho iirjiitiat decree of eitfuty Tho magnitude of tho work must hu even to hu apprevhuvd. what nous ir mhany Solid comfort. Hcemllv nnd ittenKiirp In our pntruiiB. . B AItU YOU (iOING KASr. I If bo you cannot nH'ord to go via any fl other than this UOYAMUGIIW AY Further Inforiuntlou 011 ajiplicatlun per- o'ally or by letter to 9 City Ticket Ollice, 201 Main St., Salt Luku City. the I COLORADO MIDLAND 1 Pikes l'cak Kutite 5 The Short Line To I Qlenwood Springs ....Aapeii Leadville 9 Cripp!o,Oreek Jj t . Mnuitiu Colo. Springn l'liohlo Denver mul nil l'oiiita Kast TIjl FineatKocky Mounr-in Scenery Always JIakes Connections at Colorado 8pring8, Denver and Pueblo for al I points North, Kant or South t Trough Pullman Obrcixallon Car Leaves Salt Lake uvery night for Dun vu r f and Intermediato l'oiiita. u Through Tourist Car to Chicago on ( Thuiediiy and Fiiday nlghtH. Cheap ruttH and freo liteialure. Gen. Agent, j 77 W. 2i d South, Halt Like, Utah ( ONLY 1 $45.05 itnai Irii From ' Ogdcn and Salt Lake City To j Nat'l Mining Congress J El Paso, Texas jL Via J. The umoic JUine I To 1 The Southwest J Corresponding Hales I'rom Oilier Points 9 D.iUHofHnlpNovi-mbor lOtli unit 11th. H Him! return limit DcciimlKTlWtli, lwio, Q 1-or Infoi mntioii ickmkIIiik train 1 ei vleo mill Cheap Hiilen, for hIiIo trips to Old Mexico mid other (enltorles, 9 Heoorwrllo ' 0. P, WARREN, I Uou'l Agent A. T. .t P. K. Ity II 1 Dooly Illuck, Suit Lako City HOLUSTCn-O Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets 1 A Buiy Ueiilolns for Boiy YtooU , B Brln;t QMta Uealtb una JtonewcJ Vigor iwA Tm,Hv i'!f7r1"tIrSlt,0,., I'"llotlon. r Ivo M Uloo.1 1 Iii7n 'i!,eSi ' '"'P11"H- Itou.in, Impiiro niTAirS .hJ,rc,,i',h.i ,,,"Trl,.,,. nowi,- liwlnohe Sl, r 'lItnoty Mountain Ten In tab- HoLL V Vi.P.VV'A " ,M'X .OmiiiIiiii iniiilo by GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR 6ALL0W PEOPLE |