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Show MAKE FIGHT ON LAZY WORM Porto lllcans Are Enthusiastic Over I " Medical Success Experiment Experi-ment n Good One. . Washington. Thnt tho people of JPorto HIco havo becomo thoroughly awakened and enthusiastic in their desire de-sire and endeavor to rid thomseles of the scourge of anaemia, popularly designated tho "lazy worm" ndllctlon, la Indicated In a report Just received by the surgeon general of the nrmy from Capt II. K Ashford, who Is ex pending $15,000 this year in a campaign cam-paign against that malady. During the months of June, July nnd August nearly 10,000 patients had been treated, with cures In nearly every Instance. In August nt the medical station In Atbonlto exactly ono-thbd of vthe population was treated. This number was 2,182, of whom dnly six died, 716 were discharged as fully curca, wnuo me majority or mo remainder re-mainder are on the road to recovery The effect of tho disease Is to render the victim absolutely unfit for work Tho disease gradually wastes nway the tissues, during which time the nfTllcted bocomc3 a public charge' on tho community. com-munity. The natives believe this wast-In'gaway wast-In'gaway was from lack of food nnd ridiculed the Idea that n cure could be effacted through thq uso of medicine nesfpreTiidinlnlRterlng n cure, the'tnnd-fcal the'tnnd-fcal corps under Dr. Ashford has been conducting a campaign of education In regard to sanitation. This is later to be followed with a law on tho sub Ject from which great good Is expected. |