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Show A FEW OF THE "DEBT. Denners "Do you ovor go on tho mcr-rj mcr-rj go-rouuttV" Jonnors "No; I anion tho wator wagon now." Gycat "Don't you like to hnvo company com-pany to dinner?" Truthful Toiumj ' No'm. Wo hao more to eat, but I don't got as mncli of It." rrlond "Aro )ou Bttro Mr Pinkoy loves j on?" Mrs. I'. "Well, ho must when lie loans mo Ids razor to open a can of tomatoes with." Tho Lover "You see, ma and pa nre Hiposcil to me, bat tne girl Isn't." Friend "Ynu'io nil light. You're going to bo elected by nn overwhelming majority." "Can you float alone?" aakert tho ath-lotlo ath-lotlo girl, aB thoy paddled out to sea. "I don't know," murmured tho young financier, absently. "How largo a loan do you mtmnT" A threo-year-old boy upset a box ol inking powder. Ills sister sot him on i chair and told him to be good. Aftor sitting thcro awhile ho unlit: "Are ! you satisfied? I am." |