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Show H Insurance Scandals. H The whole country is aroused E over wliat has been brought to H. light in the New York iuvestiga- B lion of insurance mctiiods and B salary grabbing. Many papers H are calling for the return of the H money so unjustly and tintcrnp. H ously taken from the slockhcldcts, B and asking that the guilty parties B be punished as provided by law B for such offenses. B The salary question has brought B forth all kinds of comparisons B It is pointed out that judged from B a commercial point of view it B takes a greater man for president B of a life insurance company B than for President of the B United Slates, for while B the President is paid but $50,000 B per year, Richard McCurdy and B son are drawing a salary of B $372,000 or more tl an live times B that of the President and thirty- B four times that of the Vice-1'rcsi- dent of the United States. H |