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Show NEWCASTLE Mrs. Uriah Jones recently returned re-turned home after visiting for a month with her parents, the Israel Is-rael Chamberlains of Kanab. Mr. Ida Tullis and Scott Tul-lis Tul-lis left Saturday to spend a month visiting with Mrs. Lon Sandstrom in Eureka. Mrs. Sand-strom Sand-strom is the daughter of Mrs. Tullis. The Relief Society held its annual an-nual bazaar Saturday night. A chili supper, Christmas program and old time dancing were the features of the evening. Nearly all townspeople were out to en-Joy en-Joy the social. Mrs. Effie Beacham " has returned re-turned home after spending a few weeks with her children in the northern part of the state. Mrs. Verl Woolsey and new baby are at home now. Mrs. Leo Knell and new baby are visiting for a few days with the Dave Stlrlings of Leeds, parents par-ents of Mrs. Knell. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Christensen attended the State Soil Conservation Conserva-tion Convention in St. George last Thursday and Friday. They report having a very interesting and enjoyable time. Mr. Christensen Christen-sen is a member of the State Board of the Soil Conservation department. 1 |