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Show New York Bank Stocks ! NKW YORK, March 27 fAP) Follow. Ing are the bid and asked quotations fur-nished fur-nished bv the National Association of Becuiity Dealer. Inc.. on New Tor bank and trust company stocks traded Wednes-day Wednes-day on an over-the-counter basis: BANK AND TRUST 1 Bid I Asked 0 Bank of Manhattan.. 1i iau Bankers Trust ... AS 80 Crntral Hanover BAT 103 lf)f) Chase NaMonal 34t4 38i Chemical BAT... 50 14 32 '4 Continental BAT.. 1.144 1V4 Cluarantv Trust 294 tf9 k Irx lng Trust I2t 11 14 Manufacturer Trust . 3. 404 National City 29j 31 14 INSURANCE , Aetna Insurant .... 51 V4 S3 U , Aetna Life 31 332 Baltlmors Aaaerican . 7 Vft 8 Vft Carolina . 30 32 . Franklin Fir ...... 31 U 3.1 '4 Home Insurance .... 32 34 H National Liberty .... 74 8ftl U B Fire Bl B3 Tung BAW1 51 11 HI 1H Mf Tung BAT. 38' 41 I 39 S 41 I tZ Zenith Radl 5t 18Vftl 16 I 164I U Total aalea Wednesday. 1,191.570: prevt- 1 us dav. 622.700: week ago. 644.130: year ago. 465.280; two years ago. 1.667.260; Januar' 1 to dat. 43,296,030; year ago, 59.754.657: two years ago. 60.409.140. |