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Show HEARING OPENS IN BGTS DEATH BRIGHAM CITY Preliminary ' hearing for Peter Forsgren, 14, son ' of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Forsgren of Corinne, on a second degree mur- der charge, began at 10 a. m. Wednesday before Juvenile Judge j W. W. Merrill, i The charge against the youth i was brought following an Invosti-i Invosti-i gatloa into the fatal shooting ; March 3 of Dale William Van '. Komen, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. J William Van Komen of Corinne. i The shooting occurred when Peter and his cousin, Odeaa Fore-1 Fore-1 gren, 15. and the Van Komen boy J . were hunting rabbits. Peter fired I at something, and Dale slumped ! In the seat of a buggy In which he was riding, with a .22 caliber bullet In his neck. Testimony was heard from Fred ! M. Sorenson, Box Elder county : sheriff, who related facta concerning concern-ing the investigation, and Oden Forsgren. ; Odean said that Peter, after fir-( fir-( Ing the bullet which assertedly struck the Van Komen youth, at- tempted to commit suicide, first with his rifle, then with pocket knife. j "I'll either go to reform school, i the chair or the rope," Odean i quoted Peter as saying, during ' questioning by Walter O. Mann, "Box Elder county attorney. ! Court recessed at 12 noon and was slated to reconvene at 1:30 p. m. |