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Show sSJL Ate 1 TICKITSt Nmi um Ufckr, TtMmn . I fTZT7. " cr- f . yt . f f 1 National Safety Statistic! - I . Dreams?. ..well maybe... J Hill Where did each great achievement actually veniences and opportunities, thus putting mil- I III start? Wasn't it with an idea? What if lions to work. ' I I Edison had not dreamed of the first electric Speaking of ideas, millions of people have I I lamp? What if Fulton had not dreamed of found it a good idea to have Budweiser avail- I I the steamboat? Such dreams are priceless. able for their hours of relaxation. It helps I I ' Properly directed daydreams are as valuable them to become the Perfect Host to a host of I I I as work itself... oftentimes providing the friends who prefer it and it has been wisely I I spark that gives the whole nation new con- said that friends often direct our destinies. j Hill jCi ifc...vcuf qv&lin minuh I III!' ANHEUSER-BUSCH I I I Mmktrt tkt VTrU-FsmMS Bttr I I Hill -I J i I llll ill rv tvtuife of jldtltxaUe L I mm- j j I I ' j W wl MAKE TH,$ WITHER' TEST: One of the first steps In A XSTI I I I - brewing Budweiser is to mak th barley sprout. For this we create tl -j I I ! " artificial spring weather with moisture and warm air and test and ; j . "" ' " 'SV I llll ' r",e,f ' ohnoPhr mak ta i" otweys "Spring' in the j I j Jll j YOU MAKE THIS TEST: Drink Budweiser for five days. On the i lJI lelwti I ' I f Tr 1 sixth day try to drink a sweet beer. You Will want Budweiser's u-r ftrjf I IP L'y flavor thereafter. . J jJ J I B PINNEY BEVERAGE COMPANY,, Wholesaler, 533 South 4th Wes7s7r7et" When You Hire Office Help BEMSMBan we see the ? prt.at.ty ersa.lsattoa la ta ciir ta asais at kaaisMS eadaatnls. Wkwa M Mm aMp Cm Hal . JOSEPH H.McKAY PERSONNEL SERVICE alijsnal asiclaHj Waaatek SSI MM CamUaoaul Beak Bttas. 7 GOnilS GO FAST! Snr IMS tke - mm4 M mmm n earaa al ea ejaea. vl yjj1 fct i m 1 1 ill SJ tho yw - rata tlmnm. ate -S a tmd allaw am ! at" liiwlinrfir.atM Nmi Tba ant tha fcaata wwm eaiar arfca laa Haw j 1 1 , tmm Dr Sekaa'a lm 11W TWy Maaaa, emSlia. inlnl ' tha li.illl i apaa. K Mar Am t.fcril Smiata I J . Utttrmttmmm tatlaStS fat ri.lTtif T".f taiaa l at HllnMt .alalia, (aatlr- Ualat aa Da. 1 t . aVaaU'a. Caat aa trtSa .jdLlf 'I analaraaiaathaief.AtaBa ) , v . . |