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Show Produce Markets BUTTTR Flnrt itrad. lb .29U gtvond crade. lb. .2i first arade aweet cream, tb. . . , . 30 V (Parchment wrapped. Vi Waa) EOG8 Larm whtte tpaciala. doa. . .... .23 Larie white extra, doa. .21 a(diuj whit xtre. doa. 19 CHKCaK Putl ereara triplet a, lb .lVfc Fill) cream tonftborna. lb .17 Full ereara 51b. aandwtch koaf, lb. .17 H Triplet, weat era cured, lb. 10 Vk Longhoma, western cured, lb, . , . .20 Lonchornr Wisconsin cured, lb. . .22 OaUlea. Wiscooai cured, lb. ... . 22 Vft NEW YORK March 27 fAP Butter Receipts, 1. 160.528 pounds: steady. Creamery, hirher than extra. 284 029Vjc; extra, 92 score, 28Vc; firsts, Sf to Bl, 27U28V4c. ascoDds. 94 to 87. 28V4 927He. Chees Receipt a. 14T.039 pounds; tr fLi''- Prices unchaiured. EKE Receipts, 47,45 eases: steady. Mtxtd colore Fancy to extra, fancy, 18W 20Vie- extras, 18Vjc; eioraaa packed ftrsts. 18c graded firsts. 17 Vie; current receipts, 194c: mediums. 19c; dirties No. 1, ISVit; average checks. 14Vt14fcc. Whites Reaalea of premium marks, 22 H 02ftVac. Near-by and mMwfstem premium marks. 20 H t32V4e: sxchanie specials, 20V4c; standards. 1914. Resales of exrbange to fancy heavier mediuma. 19 21 Vac. Near-by and mldweatexa me-dftims. me-dftims. lSVkc Brown Near-by fancy to extra fancy, 20vjtp21e. Near-by ana mid western specials, spe-cials, 20r20Vc, staadarda, ISVic, mediums me-diums 16Vi17r. Duck egca 309 33c. Pacific coast wh Ilea Jumbo and pre-mhims. pre-mhims. 28V4 028c; epeclals, 234 25 Wc: ataodards. 2l22Wc; mediums, 20 95 20 Va. NKW TORH. March 27 (API Diwascd poultry Irregular. Prh, boxes: Old rooeters, HV414Vie. Ducks, Long Island, 13 fll 5c. Froaen. boxes: Old rooe-tsrs, rooe-tsrs, 11V4V144C. All other fresh and froaen prlrea unchanged. Live poultry Blow By freight: Chicken, Chick-en, colored. ISc. Fowla, colored. 16 0 17c; some ITU f 17 Vfce- Leghorn. 14-IV. 14-IV. Old rooeters. 12 013c. Tarkeys. hens, 2:tc: young toraa, 1 8c. Ducks, 13c. By express: Broilers, rocks. 21 f 22c; smaH. 19020c: croasa. I9920c: some, 18c; Leghorn, 19c. Fowls, colored. 1AO lavie; some, 17c; Lerhorn, l.flAc. Pullets, rocks, small to medium. 22 0 24c: croaaec fancy, 23j27e; medium. 23 9 24c; reds, 24c. OM roosters. 12c. CH1CAOO, March 27 IAP) Butter Receipts. 820.977 pounds: firm. 90 score, centralised carlota, 28c; other prices, unchanged. un-changed. Eggs Receipts. 31.0O5 cases: eleady. Cbecka, 13Vc: other prices unchanged. Live poultry Receipts. 19 trucks; steady. Hens. 5 pounds and under, lac; other price unchanged. LOfl A NO RLE 8, March 27 f AP) -Prod-e exchange receipt a: Butter. 98.800 pounds: cheeae. 21.300 pounds; egg, noo. Butter In bulk. 28c, EKga Candled large. 19c: candled medium. me-dium. 19c; candled small. 14c. |