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Show Superficially Educated Flaunt Their Knowledge Right or Wrong About People other. Let the other pmon spout hl Information: he will like in more for listening to him, and we will add to our own store of Information In-formation for no tuition charge other than the liitenlnit. Next Why Da Hi Eat Lew Te- ' ' numerous, who have taken two night courses In accounting and get the feeling that this warrants their pouting off opinions on child health, detective work and the value of stainless steel trains. There Is that dangerous tendency for the person to imagine that as he gets to know more In one line he automatically becomes an expert ex-pert In everything else. Two courses, or 30 courses, do not Justify Jus-tify the know it all attitude which so many superficially educated people flaunt to others. In 20 years of teaching college students 1 em ph allied, perhaps vainly, that the main thing they should get out of college was the realization they knew so little that they should keep their lips sealed and never try to show off their Information. In-formation. And to give point to this emphasis, em-phasis, It was only necessary to add that nothing makes a person disliked dis-liked much quicker than to show off his Information In front of By DONALD A. LAIRD Education Is one of the country's big businesses. Thousands of parents par-ents are borrowing on their life insurance, mortgaging the family house and skimping In many ways In order to send their children to college to learn something. There are other thousands of ambitious young On men and women wn" mostly men . of fj who are working . diligently all day SCri6S in office or shop and then devoting devot-ing most of their evenings to study or attending night classes. Even more are combining .their regular work with extra work spent on correspondence or home study courses. Is all this serious striving to get more knowledge worth the time and money It takes? You can bet It Is worth It, provided the study Is done seriously and also provided It does not go to the person's hesd. Thst Is the chief handicap with having a little knowledge; It goes to msny people's heads. Little people peo-ple apparently cannot stand a little learning. These sre the folks, and they are |