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Show Lets Explore Your Mind ly Albert Edward" Wiqgam, D. Sc. Aaawer to QueoUea No. 1 ' 1. It might, but in all probability proba-bility H Indicate she is a rather self-centered., unfem mine-minded woman. Some excellent women wom-en do not have any deep desire to be wives and mother, and the Terms n study of maacuUne-fninded maacuUne-fninded and feminine-minded men and women indicated that such women have much the aame interests, desires and ambitions am-bitions as strongly masculine men. However, her dlsMke of marriage does not point very decidedly de-cidedly to her having special talents eay, for science, art, must mu-st or business. Aaewera to Que tie No. t 3. Yes, chiefly because the schools have heretofore paid little lit-tle attention to giving them good advice either about their own abilities or the Jobs available. So, all that young folka could do waa to get vague notions about their owa capacities and glimpses of various jobs. They could see the doctor going about town, the alas clerk in the store, the bank ' accountant or lawyer, but could get little real knowledge of what his life or hia work was like or what abilities each had for the work. Schools are rapidly developing devel-oping vocational counselors and job finding methods. Oakland, Cal, has ons of the beat in the the country. Aaawer to Question No. I 3. Neither one. I should aay. First, because a superiority snd an inferiority complex srs ths aame thing. A person who swagger swag-ger and seems to think too well of himself trying to hide his feeling of inferiority. He fears I he is not appreciated and won't make good. The one whole timid and unaggressive has in reality the aame feeling. Neither is an aid to learning. Both come largely from lack of ability to compare one's aelf correctly with others and get along with people. peo-ple. Our booklet, "Getting Along With People," by Milton Wright, is the best thing I have ever aeon in this field. Sent at coat 10 cents plus a self-addraand, 9-cent stamped envelope. a-'-i -j -itSJ.J... 00 WUNO OSOOU 030Tlg -tlorl cammoui ay TNtlk eiM Itfl . X S TUtM IH CAMCdl AeiAL-r. v f . L k j . OF BJTM Till us aiv AwOTH J3 ml I a rON rm - 1 JjTl-w. "iorv coKt mo - Lf - CZasi tT uKsvy to LtaAN hum 0 M fvk o.r W a ueajorr com? , 1 1 |