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Show r THE FIRST NATIONAL 18 THE PLACE TO GET TOUR LOAN . ' J CUT THE RED TflPG borrow at this bank Cut the usual real tape of obtaining personal credit, by borrowing at this bank. There's no ' need to put up with endless delay, annoying questions ques-tions and pointless investigations. Our personal loan plan i simple. You file sa application. If it meets our requirements we sdvance the money promptly, at fair rates. You repay the loan ia convenient instalments, from income. Com ia . for full particulars, Wa make loans for resaodeliag, redecorating, fer spring renovating and repair. Leans for paying accumulated bills, buying a new ear er many other personal or business aeeds at a low rata aa convenient terms, gfiY nnnonnb n ) 03 - - BBi ? Bramches at Btoaisor of rant Sorority Caraoratioa Sjoteat et Baaae (Lor sot laliiiiaauia SoHs Ornalntloa) at xx aaa rxDUAL ' rxrosir ntscauuica coaroaAnoa a |