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Show Cornells Lino Coach Rumored in Line for Colorado Grid Post BOULDER, Colo., March 17 (INS) Russell Murphy, Una coach at Cornell university, was advanced today by Influential alumni as successor at Colorado university, where he was a star athlete 20 years ago, to Bernard F. (Bunny) Oakes, whose con tract was terminated for a cash settlement Monday. . 1 e Harry Carlson, athletic director, said, however,- that no word has been received from Murphy to Indicate In-dicate he la an applicant for the Pst. Feasible Cheiee Others mentioned as possible sue-eaasora sue-eaasora to Oakes, whose contract ' having three years to run, was ' bought up after 35 members of the 1939 championship football squad ' signed a petition demanding his dismissal, included Ted Shlpkey, coach at New Mexico university, and John Mason, head mentor at Colorado Mines. Carlson said a permanent appointment ap-pointment probably would not be made for several weeks. . . -Cex hs Charge Meanwhile, Forrest B. (Frosty) ' Cox, basketball coach and In charge of the backfleld under Oakes, was reported In line for the temporary appointment aa heed coach. In an editorial yesterday, the Silver Sil-ver and Gold, student newspaper, . demanded the athletic directorship and the graduate manager's post, now held by Walter a Franklin, be made full-time position. Carlson. Carl-son. Is dean of men In addition to athletic director and Franklin la a professor In the business school. ' Forrest B. "Frosty" Cex ... As C. L'.'s eaaketaall mm feetball haekfleld aeeek, he may Sake charge ef the Buff spring gridiron grid-iron drills until a summir at named far Bunny Oakaa, whe resigned re-signed as feetball saeater that week. |