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Show Junior Livestock Show I Heads Change Rules SPANISH PORK Several changes In Judging and placement of animals for the Utah State Junior Livestock show, here May 3, 4, 5 and 6, were announce! Wednesday by Mayor John E. Booth, show president. Only members of the Future Farmers of America and 4-H clubs will be permitted to enter the r " -r r IN,' ' MAYO JOHN E. BOOTH Otvea ateek shew changes. show. It will be purely a Junior livestock exhibition, with the open class elimlnsted, committee members mem-bers said. Exhibitors must show membership cards In their organization organ-ization before registering. Beef this year will be graded as high choice, low choice, high good and low good, and below this all exhibits will be sifted. Fat hogs and lambs will be placed as prime, choice and good, with all below that being sifted. Feeding stock will be placed as A, B, C or D. Exhibitors having pictures of good animals or groups of animals are asked to forward them to the publicity committee. All breeding stock, both beef and dairy, must be tested and found free from disease. No breeding stock over one year old will be exhibited unless registered. Animals Ani-mals under one year old must be eligible for registration. All stock "must be entered" In the show by Msy 3. Judging will begin be-gin the following morning at 10 o'clock. Exhibitors will be housed In the Spanish Fork high school auditorium without charge. |