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Show Bingham Brevities Special to The Tribune. UINGHAM, Sept. .",. The mill and snielterjuen's union of Bingham mot Frl- i day night and elected officers for tho next term. G. W, Black was elected president. pres-ident. B. Lloyd. vlco-proBldont: F. f. Perry, financial secretary; Phil Cullcton, Treasurer; L. P. Dos Aiilulcrs, recording secretary, and E, M. Taylor and Rob Tj-tvrson. Tj-tvrson. win dens. The Republicans will moot Thursday, September 10, and elect delegates to the I countv convention, to bo held In the Salt Lake Theater September. 13. I Florence, the three-months-old daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Gardner of Carr Fork, died Monday. Tho body was taken to West Jordan Tuesday afternoon for burlnl. TJ Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Haynes have gone to Illinois for an extended visit. Messrs. Covington,. Roper and beager have opened up a rcalnurant In tho Miller hall. In the Millar opera house I hoy havn establlHhcd a moving picture show, tho only , ono of its kind over brought, to Bingham. |