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Show Next week: John Ilenry on "The Dinner Party." (Copyright, 190S. by G.W.Dillingham Company). For Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may bo cured in about one-third the time usually required, re-quired, by applying Chamberlain's Liniment Lini-ment frcoly, and giving it absolute rest. For sale by all druggists. Tribuno Want Ads. Bell phone 5201. Ind. phono 360-34S. Pleasant Prospect of Filling It. I Missionary What is that six-foot box? I Cannibal That's my lunch box From ! the Bohemian I Tribune Want Ads. 1 Bell yhono 5201. Ind. phono 360-348. 1 IXJalfiis as Strong j t no stronger. Our specialty is to build up health to a per- g .wnent and perfect standard, and we believe in our ability to 1 dfcf results. We believe honest statements can be passed out I ywionest men by honest methods and that men have confi- j nce enough in their fellowmen not to shy at every guidepost j: Layout investigating a little on their own account. We be- veia working, not weeping, and in the pleasure of our work. I SR' Jlii C eeve 1Q a man cs wa ne Socs after; that one deed I 'fl conc today is worth two deeds tomorrow, and that NO MAN IS ?$UfMf DOWN AND OUT UNTIL HE HAS LOST FAITH IN HIMSELF. I ilaHKI 1 e k'eevc u today and the work we are doing; in tomorrow I BBkm anc w01k AVe n0Pe to do and the sure reward which the future fK'f Nif holds. "We believe in courtesy, in kindness,, in generosity, in good I 'gMHi ) cheer, in friendship and honest competition. "We believe there is 'm vSi!M$L I something doing somewhere for every man ready to do it, and I ) HM we arc ready right now. rfB'j iipl GOOD HEALTH IS A NECESSARY LINK TO SUCCESS, 5 iWR x, J and we are enthusiastic over our ability and successful past along this line. AYc make men vigorous and robust enough to succeed 1 ffi in life because we know how. "We make a business of curing HPSwi. men. A long record of cures is what should count, and that is 3 BTK what we stand on. . j -? meds the eye of a man who, while yet in his prime, through some debilitated condition, jj aJS backward instead of forward, we want him to come and let us show him how we arc tak- ' vKjtCn ((nvn nien in every walk of life and making tliem as vigorous and healthy as any man 3 gjKp'g eals e don't care what has caused the trouble, nor who has failed to cure you. If your jj !iKjajClae ne' we cure yn completely and permanently. If we cannot cure you, we jj t' ratc he fair enough with yourself to investigate our claims and hear the proposition we j t0 yU" CSt y0" 0110 pCim' U,1Cl placcs 'ou nnc,er uo obligation jj mntS m'1-our rsults are quick. Wc successfully treat Acute, Chronic and Ner- j s,3'00 Poison, Varicose Veins, Catarrh, Skin Diseases. Stomach 'and Bowel Troubles, i i Wj0nur'Klne'V Klaclcler Ailments. Nervous Debility and many other diseases of men not li m ares.rC. yU cannot call write today for particulars. Consultation FREE. No busi- iM offir itre0t nurabers 011 our envelopes or packages. ffomts m. to 8 p. m. Sunday hours, 10 to 12:30. ! fffiLake Medical Institute 2jjR So. Male Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. j A W i " I1' 1111 11111 Hooms lor FFlvac3r WEAK MEN 1 RECEIPT FREE Send Name and Address Today Yon Can Have It Freo and Be Strong and Vigorous. I have In my possession a prescription for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened weak-ened manhood, falling: memory and lame back, brought on by excesses, unnatural drains or the follies of youth, that has cured bo many worn and nervous men right In their own homcB without any additional help or medicine that I think every man who wishes to i regain his manly power and virility, quickly and quietly, should hnvo a copy. ' So, I havo determined to send a copy of the prescription, rree of charge, In a plain, ordinary scaled envelope, to any man who will write me for It. TI1I3 prescription comes from a. physician physi-cian wno has made a special study f men, and I am convinced It Is the surest-acting surest-acting combination for the euro of detl- I clcnt manhood and vigor-failure ever put together. I think I owo It to my fellow-men to I Bend them a copy In confidence, so that i any man, anywhere, who Is weak and discouraged with repeated failures may 1 slop drugging himself with harmful patent medicines, eecuro what, I believe, Is the I quickest-acting, restorative, upbuilding. ' SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever devised. ' and, so, euro himself at home quietly and 1 aulckly. Just drop mo u lino like this: Mr. A. B. Robinson, 38D7 Luck Bldg.. ' Detroit, MIcK. and I will send you a copy of this splendid receipt In a plain, ordinary ordi-nary sealed envelope, free of chars. Q COPAIB4 I HAND SAPOLIO Is especially valuable durinc tho Bum- 3 mer season, when outdoor occupations P and sports are most in order. I GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS AND j CALLOUS SPOTS P Yield to it, and it is particularly agree- able when used in tho bath attcr vio- I lent exercise. 1 ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS. S i j DRINK IDAN-HA NATURAL LITHIA WATER. ! "Makes Everything Good." ' F. J. Klosel S. Co . Ooden. I Rleacr &. Llndley. Salt Lako. 1 Distributers. , I '' THIRTY FOUR YEARS IN SALT LAKE. H . DR. C W. H8GGINS j 1 1 j Is the oldest and only reliable scientific specialist In Salt Lake City. ' A ): H IF ALL YOU WHO ARE IN NEED OF A SPECIALIST WILL CALL ON ME FIRST YOU WILL NOT HAVE SO 1 1 jfJ ll MANY DOCTOR BILLS TO PAY. L j jj Sal! Lake Microscopic Medical Institute , DR. C. W. HIGGINS, M. D Mgr. and Prop. I i PIB 28 WEST THIRD SOUTH STREET j Mljfl j. . ' " ROOMS 1, 2 and 3 l i jtj l 1 - Thirty-four Years in j. jpl ' After 45 years' study of Nature and her 1 1 JR laws along special lineg, my superior adVan- I j ' 'W. 'H tages and ability go without saying, and I im- 1 fr il hesitatingly declare, and my unparalleled rec- 1 ord as a successful specialist in private dis-, 1 ll . eases of men backs up my claim, that more 9 T m ll w men have been cured by me of VARICOCELE, fl ' .,j ITYDROCELE, NERV0-SE5UAL DEBILITY, 1 !H,lfi BLOOD POISON and REFLEX DISORDERS within the last 35 years than by any twenty ! 1 ' specialists in the United States combined. This ".t. , fact is self-evident and indisputable, and, with t . 11 H my rates more reasonable and treatment more ! f 1 successful, you do wrong to experiment with I ( concerns whose methods are being frequently i V changed, and whose doctors are the scrapings B j v ' ; tM together of transient and defunct concerns. B ' 1 t Courtesy demands that we mention no names in a newspaper, but if you come to my office I I t 'r-'h WtiSF1' V-SjfeRp -t-r ?-'rf Tr?gsSiiEH can furnish some valuable information with the SfeSLgUSB ' .v!pPHfj proofs so conclusive that you will not regard j j ' j IB fep them as selfish arguments. NERVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY CURED . ; l N'crvo-Scxual debility Is a term which I UPe to designate a decllno of power In the general system, and also a g : I! k loss of certain "pccln! functions and powers. No matter what tho cause, It Is always necessary In such cases to cor- ' ) rect defects so as to supply the true elements of lost force. ,, T . . ,,, , , f f'l ..' ' This Is the koynoto of Nervous Debility. Seminal Weakness. Premature Decline. Lost Power and other weakness- , es. all Included under tho sweeping term. "Nervo-Sexual Debility." , , u ; , 1 ' Tho euro of these lnllrmltles Implies the restoration of tone In every organ of the body and the renewal of the 1 . ! Xcn'o impulse of force which governs and controls all organs. I solved this problem a few yearns ago by study along E A ' ' ! the line of chemistry of the human body, and my discovery was that "f mcanlLw1 Civlnn ! in ' friS?W P (J ,J ; ers of tho organism so as to euro Norvo-Scxual Debility In any of Us forms or stages of development. In brief. I V) . L enable tho process of nature to remove waste tissue and supply new; with the elements which are added to I , -ijM svstcm go now forces that establish and maintain tho natural powers of the body. Uius I cure ,cio-Sexual Debll- g y lty to slay cured. I 1 '''''1 VARICOCELE AND ITS REMEDY B . S Scrotal Varicocele has been described as n creeping disease. It silently steals upon Its victim like n thief at night tC , ' and beforo he Is really aware of its presence great nnd damaging Inroads arc made upon his constitution. Th veins g surrounding tho spormatlo cord become enlarged and engorged with Impure blood and diseased tissues. At times this C ;U -. condition may be accompanlod with a dull, dragslng pain in the small of the back, extending down Into tho parts, low h Fplrlt weakness of body and brain, nervous doblllty. partial or complete loss of tho sexual powers, and not Infre- b ) it I nuentiy decline of tho general health. All these disagreeable symptoms soon disappear completely nnd forever under my C , l Varicocele cure, which is safe, painless and bloodless. Every clot of stagnant blood and every flbor of diseased tissue ft 11 i 3H 4 are driven from the Infected parts, normnl circulation Is re-established throughout the pelvic region, tho weakened or- S , 'A tssssi gans become strong again and sturdy manhood Is restored. t : r. :j KH I REFLEX AND ASSOCIATE DISEASES 1 ; I Arc those which aro present and act to aggravate and favor the progress of the main malady. I never dismiss a caso K . , , until cured In every particular. If the caso Is complicated with Hydrocele (dropsy of tho scrotum). Hemorrhoids. FIs- j j 'rH sure. Fistula, or any form of disease, I cure such additional complaint also, so that tho cure may bo perfect and per- F- J X Reflex effects of all pelvic complaints are destructive to the tone of the Sympathetic Nerves. Tho debilitating of- U i Mr i IH fects on tho general health and strength are demonstrated by such manhood sapping agents as Varicocele. Stricture, h I jj : f Blood Poison and Discharge-producing Virus. I euro both causes and effects and rcstoro men so vlctlmlzod by their r J iH m own follv or by Inheritance of Uliod Taint. t; " tl 1 nl I Personal nnd Correspondence Consultation FREE. Address h ' J i "H I Office, Rooms 1, 2 and 3, 28 West Third South Street 1 1 p jjH I rf3ce5s5v Square treatment is what a man wants. Xo other treatment will satisfy so well, j ; p s "When a man writes to a physician, he writes in search of health, and to get honest advice I ' C. rli about his trouble. A man in trouble wants to get at the bottom of it, and have a reliable ? - , T, 1 Jfj?. physician tell him just what ails him and point out the quickest way to get cured. He wants I' S mJ&$ e GS cocor c wans a doctor to treat him like a man and cure him like a man. lie ; i 1 wu? ft wants a doctor to tell him straight from the shoulder what he can do for him, and then he j M Wmh wants liim to do it and do it right. This is the way we treat men. This is the way wc make i I. i 1 '$wl n'ifeg?BvrA j&rffiSk friends. This is why we lead all others. AYe do the best by men because wc treat; "men jH I mll m QslvKm only, ' and wc cure them to stay cured. AYc want no man's money if we think Ave can- f C ' I 10' &zIP flPMai u0,i curo 1"m "Ts s square treatment." , )- I &Jki TALK IT OVER, , ) j j'V 1 JM c wan- ac or wl''te to every sufferer from Araricocele. Blood Disorders, .j jH fM Nervous Debility and Chronic diseases Of men. j , :IH V gwgM 1" treatment of these diseases we acknowledge no superior. AYc can give you I ; , 'jf I 9 (l1"ccst aiicl safest cure obtainable. Come in and talk it over, wc will tell you all , j.j t' 'A 'ftdL about your case without charge and you need not take treatment unless you wish to do i ' fi 11 'I PSSl so. Years of experience and practice in treating nothing'but diseases of men has given iT .H ! ZrJm rS. Mr! "s many advantages over family doctors. Our name is as firmly connected with the sue- jj V '"H I 3b1ii Sa .rWRWJnTl ccssful. treatment of these diseases as is Edison's with electricity. .J,. . y mlvtlTSJWljl You will never have a more important transaction to make than the selection of , ;'. I WW I x) l coc';or t'ca your affliction. Our patients come to us because wc are specialists. . , ,' f fiH I flxL 1 1 V'vfflfeSv ' e.v realize that if a cure is possible, wc can accomplish it. AArc offer you something , '' llH 1 v$ u Mni different in scientific treatment that cannot be obtniucd elsewhere. Don't stand idly by "' f 11 I ffi and sec your health and strength slipping away when wc can cure fou. A visit will tell. -j I" 11 I Jv Give up an hour of your time to come and talk it over. If you cannot come during the - '( i " av ca evenings. AArc arc open every day until S p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. ; ' tH I MEN -OF ALL AGES INVITED ! IflS ! ! AA7e successfully treat and cure WEAKNESSES. ECZEMA, NERVOUS DEBILITY. HYDROCELE, VARICOCELE. BLOOD aud jj j $ .5 -'H ) I SKIN DISEASES. KIDNEY, BLADDER, ENLARGED PROSTATE. PILES, RECTAL DISEASES. OUT-OF-TOWN MEN incident- M 'M l ' ully in the city should not fail to come and see us. Our charges are always the lowest of any physician in the city, rj j 'If J J I IMPORTANT We Avill cure you for LESS MONEY than you can be treated for by any other specialist in Salt Lake, and you 3 ; '$ jH 3f havo the advantage of knowing that you are in the care of reliable specialists who are ACKNOAYLEDGED AUTHORITIES in the ? 1 SJ-jj I 1 treatment; of men's ailments. We recognize no superiors in our specialty. Consult the Cook Medical Co. free before placing your case. ! ? jj I I j Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Call or address t ' S P jjCOOK MEDICAL CO., m south main street, salt lake city, btah j I If) IB |