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Show SEVlfl LOSE LIVES : 1 ii raw wreck ; III ; ) 'j j i jl Carelessness . of Operator at ! V fl fliM Small Station Said to Be If-lllH Cause of Disaster. ' ; jj MISSOULA. Mont., Sept. 5. Care- j j ' less, on tho -part of Operator Mitchell i i ' H at Porma, Mont., a small station sixty ; ,1 L miles west of this cit3 is alleged to j : t "T"" jH havo been the causo of one of tho most , I ,f jh disastrous wrecks on tho "Rocky Moun- r'''l2 1 tain division of the Northern Pacific in ifi recent years, and iu which at least ;, ; i ( seven men met their death: M ,1 'IfH The Dead. , ' GEORGE W. VALENTINE, engineer. , , T. A. MOXSOX. engineer. ( i JM E. F. HERRING, fireman. . fjS ' E. O. BO BISON, fireman. i U " jM Three unidentified tramps. i j - It is said that Operator Mitchell ac- fi rij ;! iH cepted an order for westbound passenger vfV '1 No. " to remain at Porma for No. 5S. . . ,, , an castbound fast freight, after No. 5 5 -,i - rl had passed his station, and as a result I , the trains came together head-on about i 41 : 'JH ten miles west of Porma. - lkH The wreckage immediately caught Are ' . ! " -Jrl aud considerable of the equipment was ill' - fl burned. I h fiH None of the passengers were injured. I p ill Tho bodies of thoso killed in tho acci- ' ft 1 fl 'c dent were brought to Missoula. j; 'r u Engineer Valentine was one of tho ' M I il oldest engineers iu tho service of the : M fl . ' Northern Pacific. ' ' ?x |