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Show I" (Si ' '' if! Citizen in Suit Makes Serious I 1 1 ''''Pi' Charges Against Munici- II Y ' If"'" ! SOMEWHAT IMPLICATED I' ll I' : rl ' ' C,a-vs vc Hundred Thousand of fl i " ' City Fim(ls Use(1 0 Pn" J. I i 1 1 " CLEVELAND, Sept. o. Suit Tvns t' 1 ' J IftE' ; j I filed in common pleas court today by t ;!( 1 1 jK'jf' 't Jnmcs K. Fnrasovy taxpayer, aslrinjr, that RJ jlj . if ' A 1 . ) ) 1 he security grant of the Cleveland Rail- jjl jjj ; '. $ If . j way company bo declared null and void t llll ! ' f lil t' l. ' leaso property to the $ illl ' L i If' I' Municipal Traction company bo Bet fjjj 1 ' j f , j I fKj aside. Fraud and financial interest by Riftl jj ' l I'ijf : 6 ' city ollicials is namod as a basis for Irtj ml fl j (k. jj. ' tlio suit. The petition declares that tho Tl I n ' 'I ' 0 mfT W I Municipal Traction company is a fraud A- I III ' ; I -l II I upon the city and its taxpayers -without InS III ! i , 1,1 1 legal or financial responsibility, and wns If! j 1 m J I1 K t -wholly and 6olely controlled and dom-wjljj dom-wjljj J I ; inated by Tom L. Johnson, mayor of B fir i f 1 i rA'i Cloveland. It is further declared that H i t ' j 'Jrr the franchise grant is a fraud because H j fj j m I it provided a higher rate of faro than Pp s j X i had been offered by tho Cleveland Eloc-Rl Eloc-Rl I. 1 j 1 j trie Rail-way company of soven tickets fti j v : ( for 25 cents, tvith universal transfers, M f .t ! I, ' ' j It is alleged that tho pnblio funds of K$ I ' ': I It ' I 0 """ero used to promote tho in-rat in-rat I . rU j 1 .1 A ; terests of tho three-cent fare lines. Five f j F - 'j t I 1 if hundred thousand dollars Is named as P V'T '1 i & 0 sum so used, w i I -f If flkm K ' Company Utterly Insolvent. LjflH ' 'lAJWm' After asking that tho ordinanco bo ' H l iWPi ' declared null and void and tho lease ' ' rt I jfilftil.' I ' e se; ase. ipotition prays that i. i I i ,' ,Mrrl? i tho companv be enjoined from oporat-F oporat-F t' 1 J m J if ' nfI uner tho franchise. The potition . , illil further asks that a receiver be ap-c ap-c f lag' ' pointed to take charge of the property t 1 n ' "'irSt lwi Municipal Traction company, . 1 : - j Vff -which it declares it utterly insolvent, P ' j i 1 j ' ' having liabilities in excess of assets, and j' , I 1" 1 pji ' that the same bo administered in tho -J 'SiK' interests of tho city of Cleveland. It W i; 'kH1 s charged that the vrest sido pumping ' ' I'' 'i dlt't'-ii station, valued at $1,500,000, ivas leased V f . ( . t ' r"- ' to the Forest City company at an inad-i. inad-i. j , I J v. fU . equate rental and that land adjoining I ilu! ( ' ' ; o i -was purchased at a cost of $6S,000 out I lr I' 'f-K e watenvorks fund and is noiv bo-I bo-I ivifii 1 , 7 " : vft inA' used by the rail-way company. 'I Hi OtK?? 13 0f the organization of tho Municipal Ll''J -JtiSIT t f- Traction company it is charged that i t I ' ' ifr ' lfl iv; It original directors of the company pit; L'U a! n ivere selected by the mayor and that I I L iu ' 'i fill I nev wcro afc UG time of their election l ; live' il -HR fl $ mere tools and puppets of the mayor, I- fnh ' ;' l - wit' "C agreeing -with him that all that should il M ! -1 u i done in tho operation of the com-F com-F W ',l 'l 'S pany should be in furtherance of his f : t !i I ' I vftl'' ficherae and plan to control tho street I -'3 k(f--fiSI- railway system. r" '! ' llfiiw-U 's afrccd -na these original in-pi in-pi I fr corporators and directors of tho com-1 com-1 r ' i ' lan.y l"1 no personal interest in said !i il ' i -3 J'f 'j' ; 1 ' conipauy, and though pretending to sub-' sub-' ipk U tH''B i Kcribe $10,(100 of the capital stock of I ' Ir'k ) -W Sat 1 lne conlP:u,3' not ono of them was tho 'If jj I r lv B ' real owner of a single eharo of tho |