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Show FORMAL OPENING Of CiPUIH 01 Governor Hughes of New York and 'Senator Bcveridgc of Indiana In-diana Fire Big Guns. INSIST THAT BRYAN IS ONLY DREAMER OF DREAMS New Yorker Proves Ability to Hold Crowd That lias Heard Many Speeches. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, Sept. o. Aside from formally defining issues both national and state, tho opening of the Republican campaign in Ohio here today according to Republican critics developed devel-oped an important fact, namely, that Govoruor Charles E. Hughes of New York will be in great demand outsido of his own state during tho national campaign. cam-paign. Tho governor, following a masterly mas-terly effort by Senator Bcvendge, not only held tho attention of a crowd of thousands who had been listening to other speeches for hours, but moved thoin to vigorous outbursts of approbation approba-tion and was fairly mobbed when he finished by hundreds who pressed forward for-ward to shako, his bunds. Boqucts for Roosevelt. His satirical comments on "William .T. Brian's ideas of regulating trusts called forth shouts of laughter. Revision of the tariff and a continuance of tho policies pol-icies of President Roosevelt and in Ohio county-wido local options were the keynotes sounded. Senator Beveridgo of Indiana and Governor Hughes delivered impressive spoeches dealing with national issues, while Governor Andrew L. Harris, .renominated .re-nominated by his paTty, devoted himself to questions of import to the statu of Ohio. Both Mr. Hughes and Mr. Bcveridqc dealt kindly with Mr. Bryan in his personal capacity, but insisted that he was a dreamer of dreams, a preacher and not u executive,' Glowing tributes were paid to President Roosevelt. of tho tariff from, a protective- to a maximum aud minimum bnsis in line with the policj- of Germany and France. Tariff for revenue only, the Indiana statesman declared, was obsolete and the purely protoctivo tariff out of date. Under Un-der a maximum and minimum tariff, be taid, Germany had forged ahead to the front rank in tho volume and value of her foreign trade. Vorys is Sarcastic. . Arthur I. Vorys, Republican campaign cam-paign manager tor Ohio, was chairman of the meeting, which was held among the tall oaks of Wick park. In introducing intro-ducing Governor Harris, Mr. Vorys said: "Again our chiof opponent is tho Democratic party. Again, ignoring and repudiating responsibility for the accomplished ac-complished and anticipating no responsibility responsi-bility for the reforms to come, through tho same undaunted, oft defeated, but never despoudent. leader, as amiable and iuvontivo as cvor. if not "as brilliant and courageous, tho Democratic party proposes its quick-acting, automatic, self-executing, short-cut-'cross-lots, alluring al-luring schemes to instantly eradicate all evils and at once bring about the de-sirablo de-sirablo altruistic stato whore all arc required re-quired to be, nnd tbereforo will bo, honest and square, frco from evil, abuse or oppression, and thoreforo happy and contented in a Utopian quality of guaranteed guar-anteed prosperity. Again t li 03' built thoir Democratic tower xu the Democratic Demo-cratic plain of Shinar, and again there will be the Democratic confusion of tongues after a 'Democratic defeat." One Surprise for Hughes. The day was a perfect one for an outdoor out-door demonstration. Governor Hughes was the first arrival, and he was somewhat some-what startled bv tho appearance while at breakfast of what looked liko his own image approaching. The apparition, appari-tion, whiskers, hair, jaw, mouth, frock coat and all on tho Hughes lines, turned out to be R. E. Hughes of Beaver, Pa. 1 Hearing of hi? remarkable resemblance to tho New York governor, tho Beaver man made the trip to Youngstowu to compare notes. Governor Harris and Senntor Beveridgo Bever-idgo did not reach the citv until tho I streets were swarming with tho thousands thou-sands of steel workers, clad in whito uniforms and marching clubs, wero rcadj' to begin the parado through tho downtown streets to the park. The city was ornately dressed for the occasion. Senator Beveridgo and Gov- 1 ornor Hughes left the citj- immediately I after the exercises. |