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Show SALT LAKE ill More Building Going on Than at 1 i; . j f Any Time in City's t:- 3, History. NOT LIMITED TO ANY j '. W PARTICULAR SECTION j i Best of All Is the Number of ! W Small Homes Now Under j Unless the unexpected happens, Sep- Jj Ml " tember will bo n record-breaker in tho (j fl' amount of building done iu Salt Lake. The list of building permits issued from !l , I; tho oflice of Building inspector A. B. '.'1 . j Hirlh during the first five days of tho . V fl month was thirty-four, only ono les3 I 'j & ' than the average weekly record. From : l.j this, as well as from the' reports re- i. ' mi ccived from investors -and contractors ' ujL'i' Sl all over the city, thero will be prac- ' Mill ' 1 Sl tically no cessation in this line of busi- Jjt 1 iH noss, and the record established by tho ill'l liV! city during tho spring and continued Sr i jHI even through the summer will apparent- "ill 'M ly maintained this fall. V.i 1 t The feature of the building activity, ' U i t kH it is. said, is the fact that most of tho : t 1 permits aro for small amounts for tho j ' erection of homes of moderate value. 1 , 'H These buildings aro constructed lo cost liftV as low as $2500. and none of the-build- Mi' ' iH ings reaches a value of many thousands. i'tr ll The inference drawn from "this is that j ' H the ' city is growing. h V ; jrH Real estate men constanth' refer to 'f ; SH the fact that the residence 'district i3 '''' H spreading out and the constnur, sale of ,' ! M ,.1 jH building lots in the additions about tbo i , r ' V jiH 6ity indicates that people arc every day i; SH going farther away from the center o'l' ' ' ' H the c ity for the purpose of purchasing , l ; 'H propurty for home building or invest- . j, ; ? fH ment. A prominent real estalo dealer, t I' V'j commenting on the enlargement of the ! j j ji u iiH cit3', said last woek that his company ' j j . ' v4 was securing propert3 on the west sido j'liri , ijl three miles awa3r from the center of the j u, ' business district, and that there ap- 1 1 JjH ponrcd to be littlte doubt that this laud 1 '8 U ''l would be in good demand within a few ' 3'cara for use as warehouse sites or for ' 1 i kl manufacturing plants. ' Building Up Rapidly. b , i Direct' west from upper Ilaiu street l ' there arc the additions of Oakley and J J Oakdalc, both of which are building up 1 rl y rapidly and mainly with people fron: . ; il-"'T! J IB out of" the state and small trades people I ,f ,T ) or workers in tho various indusrnes ' -W i , flil here, not to mention a largo number of " 1 c it. ?H fairly well-to-do people, who carno hero H j because they liked tho place and arc j H fill confident of'its future advancement. Y.t. - Much has been said of tho east side ij 1 and tho remarkable way iu which it is h, . i being built' up, and real estate men Mai kH ovcr' dn3' call attention to tho great in- .J : u ; crease in the population in the south- 1 1 ; '"" ' eastern section of tho 'city. Almost I ; J . ;i every da3 a new compan3' is incor- C sj M porated, which has for its object the , I ., q( I fH opening up of new tracts of land of l ! i' il what wero formerly farms lying far M 81 MkH away from tho center of aetivitj'. These r ry . V.pH investment companies, it is said, are !. f 3. j JlfH placing before the people property at : ? M A 'jH values whicii are wilhing the reach oL , ; Id the ordinary income, and offer oppor- , ; j rH tunitics for tho building of homes in ( j I IH quiet portions of the neighborhood, f-2 'j'lH within easv access of the city through U -HH the excellent car service, and which of- y hH fers attractions nor. obtainable in tho ,t S HH more closely congested districts farther : 5 1 s 'H up town. 'If t.k New tracts of land have recently been i ' laid out south of Twelfth South, so that j ' J a trip to Murray no longor lies for any 1 i ' f t ' IH part of the wav past sections of conn- rJ fH try that do not" show tho effects of tho ) lH tremendous building operations which ! , H havo been the feature of the .year. , ; J i J IH Modem Homes Wanted. ; i I j aH Attention has been called to tho fact ' J 1 j jH that in mauv sections of tho city, nota- ( j i blv ou tbc north bench, thero were a I.' ) number of new houses for sale, and that H., I IH in spite of this, the complaint is some- i i , times made of lack of houses for rout. U 'J 1 .hH This is explained bv the fuct that it iu 1 : VM often difficult to sell new houses when . 1 t 1 . jH thov aro occupied by rental tenants. ' ! iH Real estate mou talk of the need ot new j housos nnd point to the fact that the old houses aro abaudoued for new oues as ; soon as possible. Thoro is said to be.a y . strong tendency to dispose of the old fr. rlH " adobe" homes for the modern brick cottages, and attention is called to the , jH fact that much of the rental business is ' i lH dono in these old houses, which in many cases have served their time and in a k short lime give place lo more modern , , , r structures. There is no lack ot demand , ,, : JiH for good modern houses, it is said, both I for rent and for sale. . , A jH Building' operations in the busiuesH j; j district continue hirge. Visitors to , u . ' . West; Temple, between First and bee- r ond South, will bo startled by the liigji f ? i J , walls of the new Simon buildings which j Ji rear thouiselves above tho surrounding f buildings. Work is progressing rapid- . (Jj ly and tho structures wil bo ready for ' 1 V occupancy by tho late iall. Just north VH . of theso "buildings workmen are tearing F jH down tho old landmark which stoo.l fc , I fH thero in order to make room lor Iho I i vilH Jennings-Worthington building. On . ti ; .jf;H Second East, at the corner ot l-irst U 11 West, men aro also at work preparing ,t. n I for tho erection of a new warehouse 1 . for tho Neldeu Drug company. J flH Main Street Situation. J :4 IjH Progress on tho buildings along Main jj strcet'is uot so rapid, but that it ia jj J being carried on is evidenced from the , ij , -T. changes which occur from day to day. j 1 t , ' ' 1 iH With tho practical completion ot tho J ''T'UjH walls of the Nowhousc skj'serapers and J j M-M tho consequent chango of the work to ll 21 111 the inside, little change is observed, ! 1 but the signs of activity about, tho - t It'H placo indicate that matters are pro- t ' ' r2 grossing and that the occupation oi tho 4 J i .i sM handsome structures is only a matter of ,i A i a fcvj months. Tho foundation of tho j -H new Salisbury building just north of j JH the Newhouso buildings is also ap- . fQlh 9H proaching a finished state, and tho crce- fH tion of the Avails Avill be a question of , '. fH only a short time. i f ' l Continued on Page Thrco. j SALT LAKE MAKING WONDERFUL RECORD Continued From T'ngo One. Work on tho Auerbach theater on Third South, between 'Main and Siato streets, is being rushed. Many steel columns have been put into place, and it is evidently the intention of the builders to have this building ready for occupancy before the fall theater season sea-son has " progressed very far. Many rows of small siores along Second and Third South indicate that the demand for business reutals of thai sort, is excellent, ex-cellent, nnd the change in many' portions por-tions of the business district is very marked. There has apparently been a falling off iu the demand for apartment houses. J although an occasional permit is taken out and many handsome new structures are still being erected. Week's Building Permits. Following is the list of building permits per-mits for buildings valued at or above $2000, The total value amouuts to nearly $08,000. Howard Garrett. 275 South Catherine, one and onc-half-storv frame. A. Hatch, 329 Xorth First West, two-story two-story brick. Utah Lumber company, brick barn, rear 451 West First South. II. Morgan, one-stor' bricl: store. 331. South Main. . Eliza Barker, 1012 East Third South, five-room brick dwelling. James ID. Paine, fi North University, ten-room frame dwelling. W. L, Wimmer. 287 Seventh avenue, one-story frame dwelling. J, H. Jones. 372 Center street, five-roum five-roum brick dwelling. Manila A. Da via. 250-252 North Second Sec-ond West, two-story double brick dwelling. dwell-ing. .L W. Russell, SI 7 East Fifth South, live-room brick dwelling, James Langton. (MS East First South, ! cwo-story brick dwelling. . Emily P. Wcilcr. 724 Maior street, ix room brick. . W. Eardley, rear G21 South Main, noii- U'lrat'c. ont-storv brick, , h.fflo R, Madison, 403 B street, five- sooin brick, j 0. A, Carlson. .1001 South Lincoln 1 street, hvc-ruom brick. |