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Show TWENTY-SIX MIDDIES IX SPLENDID SHAPE Tribune Special Sporting Sorvlco. ANNAPOLIS, Sojjt. 5. Twenty-six midshipmen, comprising the pick of the championship football team of the United States Naval academy, aro now on Icavo of absence and at their homes awaiting the call that will bring them back to tho academy about tho 2-lth instant. The members of tho football team have been allowed to go to their homes a week in advance of the other midshipmen, as they havo lo return to tho academy one week earlier than their classmates, so as to get to work on the gridiron. It has been the custom cus-tom for years for the football players to return in advauco of their fellow-middies, fellow-middies, t horcl33' curtailing their vacation. vaca-tion. This year, however, tho authorities authori-ties have made it up by allowing them a week at tho beginning of the vacation vaca-tion period. Tho twenty-six midshipmen aro in splendid condition. With the number afo Percy W. Northcroft, tho lingo tackle, whoso home is in Pawtuckct. R. L, and all tho other members of last year's squad except thoso who have graduated, und Max B. Dc Mott of Niles, Mich., end on tho eleven of last .year, who had to bc left at Newport, New-port, R. T., on account of an attack of typhoid fever. It is doubtful whether or not Do Mott will be able to play football during dur-ing tho coming season. If ho does not, the loss will be severely felt, as Daguc, tho other end, has graduated. This will give the coaches the task of developing two ends, and it will not bo an easy oue. However, there is much good material, and the job will probably prob-ably fall to Douglass Howard, captain of tho eleven of lflOo. who will bo one of the coaching staff. Howard .was ono of the best ends that ever played at the academy. J |