Show DIPS AND ANGLES another strike of importance is reported on the 1200 foot level of the daly judge mine park city the conklin sampling works of salt lake after a continuous run of thirty three years have been closed down indefinitely it is stated that stringers of galena are showing in the bottom of the J I 1 C shaft at park city manager G D B turner who has just returnee returned from scotland Is ia much pleased with the promising condition of this property the century mining company has declared its regular monthly dividend of 1500 payable december ath and it is announced by the management that an extra dividend of will probably be paid the shareholders of tho the company as a christmas gift the annual meeting of the sheba gold and silver mining company will be held in salt lake on monday december 14 besides elec electing tinga a new board of directors the question of increasing the directorate from five to seven will be considered as well as the question of organizing a new company for the handling of the mammoth group recently acquired by the sheba company prof wm H president of the tonopah eastern mining company is in receipt 0 of o f advices advises from this promising nevada property that the working shaft has reached a depth of fifty feet the bottom being in a vein from three to four feet in width from which ore is being taken that according to assays essays made by officer co of salt lake run 66 56 ounces silver and in gold to the ton this showing is most gratifying and will stimulate work in the development of the valuable ground stockton sentinel J J manager of the stockton gold mining company has been on the property this week and returned to salt lake thursday on that day they began cutting a station on the foot ie level vel from which drifting will begin alex mays one of the best miners in these mountains is in charge of the work as superintendent and this is a guarantee that work will be pushed vigorously and the ben harrison be a steady shipper friday they sent out a car of good ore to the smelter in another column we make mention of the posting of a dividend by the nevada alpine mining company the heaviest stockholders of which are T J lynch M J and W P omeara three salt lake young men A few years ago these gentlemen were no better off than the average newspaper man when the new camp of tonopah was discovered mr lynch saw mention of the same in the columns of the mining review he was not particular as i to the order of his going but h he e did not let the grass grow under under his feet until he arrived at tonopah To where he obtained a lease on a portion of the great mizpah ledge he interested the OI omeara brothers with him and within less than two years according to common report they cleaned up in the neighborhood of bf a quarter of a million between them later on they secured the alpine mine organized a company began ore shipments and are now handing out to themselves handsome dividends which evidently will be regularly maintained for sometime to come this is the history in brief of the way that three salt lakers have made fortunes in mining during the last few years at the annual meeting of the nevada alpine mining company held in salt lake on the the board of directors declared a dividend of 10 cents a share or at the meeting also a new board was elected to serve for the ensuing year as follows M J omeara president T J lynch vice president W P omeara secretary and treasurer E F omeara and D A swan jr the property of the company is located in nevada and is a wonder as a mineral producer from all indications it will make mining kings of its owners who are salt lake mining and business men |