Show MINES aab metallurgy the palace of mines and metallurgy at the st louis exposition of 1904 will include exhibits showing the methods of working mines and quarries and prospecting for mineral deposits collections of minerals and stone and the equipment and processes connected with the development and utilization models maps and photographs illustrating the nature and extent of mineral deposits of working them and the equipment and processes connected with their metallurgical treatment literature of mining and metallurgy the palace of mines and metallurgy will be the largest structure which has been provided for mining and metallurgical exhibits at any exposition on three sides the walls of this building are set back about twenty feet from the facade leaving an intervening ter space or loggia well adapted for certain classes of exhibits one of the largest groups in the building will consist of ores and minerals in their roughhewn rough hewn sawed or polished states this group contains also specimens of the various classes of rocks clays and other minerals including gems and precious stones natural mineral paints mineral fertilizers and mineral fuels ruminants lumi nants and waters space will also be set aside for systematic crystallography and paleontology books and other literary materials that deal with geology and the mining world and its interests will constitute a unique library rooms will be allotted for geological maps charts or models of underground topography and geology also for relief maps models and working plans of mines statistics and other publications relating to mining metallurgy geology and mineralogy and the development of the water resources the collections of ores and mineral will be supplemented by exhibits illustrating lu the process of treatment and the finished products the machinery and equipment for treating and utilizing these ores and minerals will be shown in actual operation in all possible cases so that exhibits which under ordinary conditions would be unattractive will be given life and interest the machinery connected with mining and quarrying operations including drilling blasting timbering and hoisting operations drainage illumination and ventilation will be shown the manufacture of refractory frac tory materials for metallurgical purposes such as firebrick fire brick crucibles cruci bles retorts gas generators and furnaces the treatment of the ores of iron the manufacture of iron and steel ingots ingols or bars bessemer metal various processes of manufacturing iron and steel directly from the ores the refining of the metal the carbonization of the metal and the manufacture of various finished products in iron and special steels will be demonstrated the same will be arranged with regard to electro metallurgy processes of washing goldsmiths dust and dust from refiners refinery re finers of precious metals the exact rolling and beating of gold silver and tin electroplating and metals plates space too will be provided for an exhibit of drawn tubes and piping in iron steel copper tin and lead contiguous to the palace of mines and metallurgy an area of twelve acres will be set aside for the display and operation of exhibits too large or too noisy for the inside of the building in the hill which constitutes a portion of the space tunnels and arif drifts ts will be driven and in these will be shown the of drilling timbering and vent ventilating Eating mines and the underground transportation and handling of ores A coal mine located on a two foot seam of coal discovered within the exposition grounds a lead and zinc mine and a copper mine each separate from the other will be opened up within the outdoor space described above these will be supplied with a full equipment for the handling and transportation of ores and with pumps for drainage and in them will be shown the different systems of draining illuminating and ventilating mines these three separate mines will be connected by an electric mine railway which has hag a total length of more than 2000 feet |