Show ALMOST PURE GOLD I 1 news glendale ore wonderful stories of the fabulous richness of of the B E E blalock mine have been corroborated by persons who have visited the property the mine is located on coyote creek ten miles from glendale and is declared to be one of the richest quartz car crying pockets ever found in oregon the rock is so rich in gold that it cannot be mortared the stringer which lies in this valuable quartz is a solid mass ot of gold with little pieces of rock hanging on the gold the ledge has been placed under guard day and night one who saw the vein describes it as being IS 18 inches wide at the top a stringer or of solid told varying from one to four inches in thickness and extending to unknown depth the side wall is of a silv anite character and assays essays per ton mr blalock now has sacks of ore valued at 25 although he has done almost nothing toward developing the mine the property was bought from S C ruble and it has always been know nto prospectors that it was very rich the country it occupies is in the same claim of mountains as the famous greenback mine it was in this same district that scribner henderson found their remarkable ledge some three years ago and from which they made from to a day sluicing the rich rock dug from the surface the scribner henderson is now developing into a permanent ledge for years past both wolf creek and coyote creek have been prospected but never ever thoroughly when men came here they were advised that there was poor prospecting in this vicinity and were turned away by those who wanted to save it ford for themselves and no money was brought ini to develop the country |