Show A few days ago the loon creek lucky star mining company of salt lake filed its articles of incorporation the capitalization of the association being placed at shares of 1 each the officers are clarence E eddy president lawrence green vice president E D M eddy secretary josiah barnett treasurer and george W speake manager theline Th the efine fine group of the company is located in the loon creek district custer county idaho made famous during the past year as the home of the lost packer mine discovered by mr eddy and it is claimed by those who know in making a comparison between the lucky star and the lost packer that the surface showings of the former are much better than those of the latter a year ago when the lost packer sprung into such prominence at the lucky star work is being pushed in development a and nd a working tunnel 2 f feet in the clear with track and car is now being run in in on the vein contracts having been let for the performance of feet of work in this connection upon the completion of this contract which will be by early spring it is believed that a sufficient quantity of ore will be exposed to justify the erection of a twenty ton mill on the property which is blessed with every natural facility water and timber being found in abundance upon or near the property cabins have been built at the mine and trails and roads have been constructed so that work can be pushed to advantage all winter advices advises from eureka tintic gintic are to the effect that in the drift from the foot lev level el in the eagle blue bell mine a cave has been encountered the walls of which are lined with galena ore the mine Is under bond to the bingham con company |