Show PATENTS RECENTLY ISSUED reported especially for this paper by R W bishop patent attorney washington ore separator J W E allen alien san francisco cal oil burner G S anderson and B F jevons houston tex said anderson assignor to said jevons casing puller S W munn mannington ning ton W va and process of and apparatus for extracting metals from cyanide solutions J A ogden deadwood S D assignor of one fourth to S W russell same place rotary filter george moore salt lake city utah extracting chromium from chrome iron ore robert suchy and heinrich griesheim on the main germany assignors assigners assign ors to the firm fabrik freisheim Gre isheim electron same place section cam for ore stamps A P J bossell angels camp cal means for electric separation elmer gates chevy chase md process of making cuprous magnetic oxide W J knox west fairlee vt assignor to george westinghouse pittsburg pa separator W G read davis ville cal method of crushing ores J X C anderson highland park II 11 stamp mill machinery J C anderson highland park ill amalgamator henry hoe heechen chen george marks and hieronymous eis eisele ele omaha neb concentrator F L bartlett denver colo movement for shaking tables F L bartlett Eart lett denver colo liquid fluid burner J T pedersen new york N Y assignor to M G lewis same place concentrator J W pinder finder san francisco cal ore feeder L R buloch Tu loch angels camp cal prospectors smelter 13 F daniels and V W dark clark nogales ariz process of preparing concen concentrating trat in surfaces A D F cote grass valley cal rc asting furnace frank klep kiep ako tko new york N Y system for burning oil L D lovekin ardmore P and anaw W V lassoe lasso new york N Y |