Show THE GREAT DIVIDE MINE bingham bulletin reports from the great divide mines received since a bulletin reporter visited pine canyon and the property early this month are to the effect eff act that the main tunnel of the big group having been driven about feet is passing through lime spar heavily impregnated with iron a good indication that it is near the large east and west vein for which it is making openings at and near apex of the vein show that according to pitch the tunnel must soon encounter its if s hanging wall and that it ought to cut into a large body of mineral carrying good values in the event that an important strike is made as great divide hill is precipitous many hundreds of feet of ground can speedily be opened the country lime is very hard so that of late the tunnels progress has been slow but it will soon move faster as machines are shortly to supercede supersede super cede poky hand drills the great divide lying immediately west of tooele thoele divide and adjoining highland boy and bingham copper boy is one of the largest groups of mines in ginghams Bing hams lime belt consisting as it does of some forty locations covering upwards of acres it is in the hands of a strong and active company that will turn capital into developments without stint and is provided with first class equipments and buildings and connected by an excellent wagon road with the san pedro railroad three and one half miles distant supplies are being put in for vigorous work this winter and the ground being seamed with contacts and cross fissures it will be remarkable it if a large mine is not developed before spring or in the near future remarkable because nowhere in the great lime belt has well di erected thorough work failed of meeting such reward save where porphyry indru have presented discouragements discourage ments too persistent to overcome such a condition does not exist in the great divide and the bulletin will be disappointed if this winter does not give it the opportunity and pleasure of chronicling chroni cling a substantial strike in that property that the big group will be energetically and systematically developed is assured by the high standing of the company which is officered by henry A me cornick president walter A cooke vice president and manager joseph H hurd secretary rodney T badger treasurer and john B D taylor engineer and |