Show MONTANA A livingston dispatch says the big cokedale corkedale Cok edale coal mines for years filled with water have been pumped dry after slightly over six months of steady pumping day and night the are owned by the amalgamated copper company and men will be put to work at once and coal will be mined for the smelters shelters sm elters of the big mining at washoe great falls and baute the operation of the cokedale corkedale Cok edale mines will lessen the production of the coal mines at diamondville Dia wyo and pleasant valley utah where the amalgamated company is now getting the greater part of the fuel used in the mines and smelters shelters sm elters A dispatch from butte commenting on sale of montana mines to utah people says andrew brown one of the owners of the huron group of claims has left for the west fisher district to start work on the properties interest attaches to the huron group because of a deal on for the purchase of the properties by persons representing salt lake capital brown declares the deal as good as closed as a cash deposit has been made and the balance of the purchase price will arrive from utah within a few days the huron group is near libby montt mont and belongs to andrew brown M A john flavel and E J morris the group is composed of the huron the great mountain the forest the gold nugget and the 0 K quartz lodes the claims are located on the southern slope of the great northern mountain and the location extends from fisher creek to a point on the north side of the mournain mout nain the principal part of the development work has been done on the huron claim on the others there Is but little work outside of representation sen tation there are several gold bearing leads traversing the claims the one cutting the huron claim being about two feet in width and assaying in some instances as high as the huron lead is a true tissue between slate walls free gold can be easily detected in the rock it is understood the purchase price is in the neighborhood of |