Show J LINAL FINAL PAYMENT MADE ON THE BABY correspondence grants brants pass ore nov 24 the capital city gold mining company of sacramento of which C C higgins formerly of salt lake city is vice president and superintendent has made a final payment on the baby mine off joe district As has been previously stated in the review the baby ba has made and is making a wonderful showing under the efficient management of the capital city company and the superintendence of mr higgins quartz is being taken from the mine at the present time that as says over 2000 a ton and the great bulk of it will run up into the hundreds samples of the ore placed on exhibition in grants Grant sPass pass have attracted a great deal of attention and will easily rival the gold peppered rock of the famous greenback the baby mine was discovered a number of years ago and has produced since it was first opened up some this being taken from the upper levels and run through a two stamp mill the company has directed its attention toward the deeper development of the mine and has opened it by direct tunnel to a depth of nearly feet and is uncovering a splendid body of fine ore there is now about feet of tunnels and drifts in the baby aside from the quartz claim the capital city gold mining company also owns some fifty acres of magnificent timber adjoining the mine there is an abundant supply of water and all natural facilities for making the baby one of the leading quartz bullion producers in the webfoot state it has rained and snowed steadily in the southern oregon mountains for the past two t wo weeks and as a result all of the hydraulic placers have water in plenty the season opens early this year and a long run seems assured there is more snow on the mountain ranges than ever before during november the greenback mine now has water to operate both the lower and upper mills and the forty stamps are kept at work continually ore for the mills is taken from the and foot levels the main shaft is being driven on down following the vein and a fine body of ore is being blocked out on the 1000 foot level the golden drift mining company whose hydraulic placers and power dam are 10 lo bated on rogue river just above grants pass has moved headquarters from chicago to grant pass the big dam of the company any is well wall nigh completed the two big pumps each weighing pounds will be installed next spring over horse borse power will be developed along al long hydraulic ditch a company affair has just been completed by thia tha placer miners of lower grave creek there are a number of small mines in this district and each have been hampered for years past on account of lack of water they all combined this fall and dug a long ditch bringing water from Poor mans creek to flat where they are now operating a large and modernly equipped hydraulic mine the old gold bug mine on mount reuben is in operation again after a lapse of several months during which time the property has been thoroughly overhauled and repaired senator jones and brother of nevada own and operate the gold bug and have operated it for several years past the senator says he considers it one of his best properties notwithstanding the fact that he has interests in other paying mines in nevada the almeda mining I 1 company whose quartz properties are located on galice creek have completed arrangements for a ton daily capacity smelter to be installed at the almeda this mine is a big base proposition the ledge is over feet in width and the ore carries its values in both copper and gold the new plant will be ready for operation next summer there has been incorporated in san francisco the california oregon coast railroad company the purpose of which is to build a line of railroad from grants pass to eureka cal a distance of miles this company absorbs the old oregon pacific and is more extensive in its scope as the former company intended only to build a road from grants pass to crescent city the survey for the california oregon coast line has been completed and right of way secured they are in position to go 90 ahead with the actual construction of the line this new railroad will pass within five miles of the copper mines of the waldo smelting smelling Sm elting mining compa company and the mines will be reached by a branch from waldo to takilma Ta kilma col T W M draper chief engineer of the proposed road is also manager of the waldo copper mines and it is understood that the mines and the road are practically managed by the same people among them being J L 0 B gunn T W M draper and H H ludlow and M S wilson of san francisco john barth of milwaukee and B V thomas of new york A hendy tubular elevator is being installed at the hydraulic placers of the granite hill mines this machinery is necessary in order to overcome the embress ment 7 of a a deficient dump caused by the lack of slope these mines have plenty of water and will be in operation in a couple of weeks A test run of thirty nine tons of average ore from the ada mine on foots creek owned by harth ryan of grants pass gave ret returns of 36 a ton the ada is being opened up by tunnel the ledge has a width of two feet feel the ore from the ada has averaged 28 a ton the lucky cuss mine on applegate being developed by the gold point mining milling company is making a fine showing an eight foot ledge carrying 24 in gold and silver has been uncovered A remarkable feature of this mine is the quantity of silver carried in the ore much of it being rich with the white metal DENNIS H STOVALL |