Show TIN AT SALMON CITY herald salmon idaho the latest mining excitement is that which arose from the reported discovery of tin in the ledges near this city on account of an analysis of the ore by N I 1 andrews showing 13 per cent of this metal a general stampede started last sunday for little cornwall and on that day about fifty claims almost two square miles were located the work of locating and developing ve loping these claims is still going on and the town is anxiously awaiting the results of furth further jr analyses one year ago N I 1 andrews J M langsdorf geo buck W H andrews J T pugh and others discovered several gold lodges about three miles northwest of this city on these ledges they located ten claims and within the past year they have done about feet of tunnelling tun nelling on the veins the owners have all along been aware that the ore contained something else besides the characteristic gold and iron of that district moved by a desire to ascertain more the truth of their discovery they sent some of it to an assayer of repute in denver for analysis the result gave them tt a certificate showing 13 per cent tin 24 per cent lead and in gold and silver without shouting the facts of their discovery from the house tops these men at once proceeded to locate more ground until now they have fifteen claims in one group they are developing the ledges and have shipped po pounds ands of the to denver for the purpose of securing further and more confirmatory tests upon it the chemist who analyzed the ore pronounces it the best tin ore in the united states several letters have been received here asking about it and strong parties in denver have taken up the matter with a view to turning the property tin is now all the talk at salmon and three or four sections of land have been located as tin mines |