Show NEVADA battle mountain nevadan charles has returned from salt lake he is now arranging to put some men to work on the elder creek property whick he intends to develop chis this winter he will aso a so erect a house at the mine for the accommodation of his men pioche record A body of ore was recently struck in the wild irish claim at pikes diggings owned by hollinger bros and dave francis they have four men at work and the main shaft is down feet with a crosscut in the bottom exposing a ten foot ledge of free milling gold ore going good in values the owners intend to erect a 30 ton capacity mill at the mine eureka sentinel raymond robinson was in eureka from newark on wednesday while in the tonopah country several months ago he went ever to where the present goldfields Gold fields mining excitement is attracting tr considerable attention and located fourteen claims he things he has several promising prospects among his locations and says that if goldfields Gold fields pans out he will be living on easy street searchlight searchlight every pound of ore that we are running through the mill comes from development work is the way foreman luxon describe d conditions at the quartette mine the ore comes from the drifts on the ft level and is of unusual richness even for this wonderful producer surface improvements in the shape of roads and trails leading to ans and from the various buildings I 1 have been made this week the pump below the tailings pond has been housed in eight new men have been added to the working force this week tonopah bonanza the annual meeting of the tonopah milling mining company commonly known as the west end concluded its session on saturday night the officers elected were president W C douglass secretary E B partridge superintendent in and general manager B F edwards the new board of directors consists of W J douglass H C cutting C B zabriskie and B F V mills The shaft of the west end has reached the foot level and it is the intention of the company to do no further crosscutting SOT some time times george keley has quite a nice little gold prospect in the range of hills belt deeni tais valley and smith valley the ledge is not a large one running only from six to eight inches in width but it can be traced for a mile and a half on the surface and shows good as says wherever sampled there are also several parallel ledges running close together some ordinary samples sent to Virginia City last week showed the ore to ta go from 40 to 70 per ton all 01 gold with the exception of a couple of of dollars tin ay iy silver the claim is admirably located to prospect by means of a tunnel eureka sentinel F S mathews of eureka a well known concentrating mm mill man has been making an examination of the mines of the lincoln mining company on the east side of diamond valley is 18 miles from eureka of which E E phillips of eureka is president the company has for some time been wrestling with the problem of what to do with its accumulation of low grade ores and mr mathews says that not only has a concentrating plant now been decided upon but steps have been taken to have the plant running as early next spring as possible to insure which manager phillips will secure the building materials and have the framing done on the ground and the foundation completed this winter so that machinery can be put in place directly upon its delivery the vein filling mr mathews reports is a fine concentrating proposition as has been demonstrated by elaborate tests and if treated on the ground should yield a nice profit after giving the property a thorough examination mr mathews thinks that all the reports on this property have been very conservative he will give the company his report in a few days on the changes to be made in the old smelter building the concentrating machinery and estimated cost including installation the mill proposed will have a capacity of about 30 tons a day |