Show OUTLOOK FOR THE ORIOLE journal cheyenne wyo the oriole and tenderfoot mines near douglas converse county are attracting considerable attention and ae to become among the most valuable propositions of the state the properties are owned by the oriole copper mining company of which senator C D dark clark is a principal stockholder there are four lode claims with a mill site in the oriole group and there is an abundance of timber within half a mile they are well equipped with buildings bunk houses and the best possible mach machinery ne ry which has a capacity of hoisting for feet at this time feet of deve 1 work has been done the main shaft is down feet and at feet passed into a rich vein of carbonates three and a half feet in width with depth the sulphides sulp hides are becoming more abundant the discovery shaft feet south of the main shaft is seventy six feet in depth with a fifty foot crosscut the tenderfoot group comprises six lo 10 claims on which machinery with a depth capacity of feet is being installed the shaft is ninety feet in depth and passed through ore showing 4 per cent copper for the entire distance new york r men hold an option on the treasury stock of the property considering the amount of work done the showing of the vein is considered equal to that of the leading grand encampment properties one of the most important factors in the future development of the oriole and ten willbe will be the grea great t amount of natural gas which has been struck alse at hand the fact that in one well the gas registers a pressure of pounds demonstrates the possibilities of this factor the naturals natural gas insures hn an abundance of the cheapest fuel for milling and smelting smelling sm elting purposes bur poses george S maxwell a well known mining engineer in a report on the oriole says with each foot of development the sul aphides are becoming more abundant at the foot level a large body of very rich carbonates of copper was struck and every indication is that when permanent water level is reached the ore will be a very rich sulphide the officers of the oriole copper mining company are senator C D dark clark president E J wells secretary and treasurer and B J erwin trustee the tenderfoot mining company is officered as follows W F hamilton president B J erwin secretary and treasurer harry lebar trustee |