Show 7 p e a c c 4 e free gold in the cracker summit C 0 e s p poe 0 n d e n c e sumpter oregon nov 23 superintendent A W gambs of the cracker summit operated by the killen warner stewart command com sent in a line of samples the other day which show decidedly the best ore yet encountered in this property while no assay values have been obtained the simples samples contain an abundance of free gold clearly visible to the naked eye and will undoubtedly run into the thousands the samples came from the lower drift where development work is now being concentrated but there are no advices advises as to the extent of the rich strike the ore in the cracker summit has been rapidly improving with distance on the vein the last samples having assayed as high as the present rich ore was rather unexpected since the body containing the higher values was supposed to lie further from the present workings all the outside work at the mine has been completed for winter and operations are now being confined to the lower drift A M harris formerly having charge of the branch office of the neil J sorensen company at st paul has assumed management of the home office here mr harris according to the firms statement has proved a valuable man in the subordinate position and it was deemed advisable to give him managerial place in connection with the local office at the last meeting of the sumpter branch of the state miners association chairman shelton appointed the following members of the executive committee fred kelly manager of the I 1 X L J A howard manager of the golconda L G lilley manager of the baby mckee J M manager of the golden wizard otto herlocker manager of the highland the association indorsed endorsed indor sed the bill introduced by united states senator mitchell for the establishment of a government assay office at portland construction work on the twenty stamp mill being erected by the alpine company was stopped this week on account of snow which came rather earlier this year than usual the force of carpenters laid off came in from the property yesterday in the meantime however superintendent adams has a large force of men inside and will concentrate his energy toward opening up the mine until spring when the weather will permit his going ahead on the stamp mill D E buchanan formerly superintendent of the virtue and at one time mill super in of cornucopia has jakela charge of the new I 1 X L mill in the green horns which is practically completed e d a and n d will be ready to run in a short time everything it is understood is ready for operation with the exception of the cyanide tanks which will be installed in a few days A report from the sunrise states that in the bottom of the shaft now down about 70 feet there are eighteen inches of good looking ore this streak has been widening for the last 20 feet and there is every indication that a big body of high grade ore will soon be encountered the report of the sale of the rainbow mine in mormon basin has been confirmed the purchaser is the commercial mining company of portland which owns the cali cornia and radcliffe group near this property colonel E S topping president of the sumpter snow bird mining company operating the snow bird group in the cracker creek district states that the ledge has been open cut for a distance of twenty five feet without reaching either wall and that the ore resembles very much in character that now being milled on the golconda the company owns three claims paralleling the golconda lead and a short distance from this property superintendent hennessy of the gold bug grizzley states that he has been in ore of good milling quality for the last 40 feet all outside work has been finished and underground operations will be continued during the bad weather W H mead superintendent of the G gad ad stone and aurora properties in the greenhorn district was here this week on business and states that ledge matter has been e en counted on the gladstone crosscut the vein has been entered four or five feet and he thinks that this is undoubtedly the lead for which he has been driving the vein shows a width of about sixteen feet on the surface the north drift of the aurora mr mead says has three feet of the highest grade of ore yet encountered there dr L 0 miller president of the golden wizard who has been spending some time here in connection with the erection of a concentrating plant on the property returned to his home at three rivers michigan this week it is understood that mr miller will advise the direct directorate orata of the company to stop work on the golden wizard until spring opens up the work however is still going ahead W H chambers general manager of the big producer returned this week from spokane the property is fully equipped for all winter work and mr chambers thinks the boston crosscut will reach the ledge within thirty days on the moulder boy tunnel four veins averaging between five and twenty feet were cut before reaching the main lead which averages average 3 above twenty feet and has been traced by OPP open 11 cuts for a distance of feet A burch of burch burbridge kane who have bonds on the independence and crane flat placers was here this week and it is understood that while operations on the placers have been stopped for the winter that the company will in all ity take up the bond it is stated that the prospect prope ct work done this fall on the placers has proven entirely satisfactory mr burch states that the independence is showing up well and that work will be continued he is having a pump and boiler installed T G GWYNNE |