Show THE NEW CAMP OF GOLDFIELD FIELD miner tonopah To nev L L patrick made the second payment on the combination group on thursday which was a week before it was due mr patrick felt perfectly safe in doing so for he already has nearly three carloads of shipping ore out most of which has been sacked one ton which was taken out jut during in g the past week will return a value of 1000 george W nix of lead S D who was in in camp last week took samples from across 14 feet of the combination ledge and the assay from the same showed a alue of to the ton another gentleman ger who is not interested in the property picked up a sample and the assay went 2700 on the first of the month mr patrick will turn over the active management of the property to edgar A collins a well known and competent mining man from colorado stimler and marsh came in from goldfield on thursday bringing with them a number of samples of free gold ore with many particles of the yellow metal visible to the naked eye this ore came from the columbia claim of the original grandpa companas Comp anys group an open cut is being run which has attained a depth of 15 feet at the breast nine feet of ledge matter has been gone through and the hanging wall has not yet been found the first 4 feet of this ledge averages 46 to the ton in gold in the last five feet from which the specimens brought in were taken the ore is improving in quality and will go much higher 4 A foot of talc was encountered in the ledge which horns were freely and will go from 50 to the ton on the sandstorm claim of this same group the shaft is down 18 feet and the ledge which is 10 feet wide looks better every day on the taylor group the shaft has been sunk to a depth of 25 feet at this point part of the shaft is in the porphyry and part in ledge matter but clear across the Ithe whole seven feet porphyry and all it runs better than to the ton it is reported that mr harvey has stated that he will at onci once begin the erection of a mill on the ground if the ore averages 30 or better to the ton when the 50 foot point in the shaft is reached from present indications it looks as if the name of milltown Mill town for the new town which taylor and kernick have laid out will not be inappropriate josiah winchester of denver and geo M nix of south dakota left for their homes the first of the week after looking at the principal properties in goldfield both expressed themselves as being well pleased with the showing and mr winchester gave conclusive evidence of his sincerity by offering feri n g mr patrick and his associates just double the price they are to pay for the combination group if the proposition was accepted it would mean that these gentlemen would ant make in a month from in an investment of but the the offer was promptly turned down R W griswold and ar mr winchester stand ready to renew the offer but there is no likelihood of its being accepted the shaft on the jumbo in twenty four shifts has attained a depth of 30 feet which alch speaks well for the management mckane and harvey at the present depth the ledge is practically unchanged both in character and values there now seems no doubt that taylor kernick and mcclelland gave their property a very appropriate name t it is understood that smith anti and kernick have decided to give a number of leases on various sections of the spearhead ledge As this ledge has a uniform length of feet through the spearhead Spear had group and is identical in character with with the combination jumbo and blue bull p properties la 10 P it is highly probable that rich ore shoots will be disclosed by leasing this property smith and kernick are evincing the greatest faith in goldfields Gold fields future as a number of mining men have attempted to buy uy the property from present indications the spearhead leases will probably give goldfield her greatest boom snapper garrison created a great excitement in camp by showing up a ledge several feet wide which by a checked assay 1 shows an average oi 01 per ton the particulars tic ulars are not yet available myers murphy elliott and chutes have secured the tokop bokop croup group of nine claims lying north and east cast of the blue bull they have encountered the two main ledges of the blue bull and are now crosscutting to tap them Bless rs jas H forman murphy myers and chutes closed a deal yesterday whereby they purchased from W H harris a group of sven claims about one and a half miles southeast of the combination Cof group leaie little work has alas been done on these claims but there are a number of good ledges cropping to the surface last week W H harris sold a group of claims lying a mile due east of the corn com hi nation group to chutes murphy muro ri myers and elliott the consideration alvs was not made public i mr sweeney is rushing developments on the blue bull group which he optioned option ed last week I 1 and from present conditions feels elated over the fact that he got in on them |