Show BOISE PAYETTE ELECTRIC ROAD A number of boise and payette capitalists have interested themselves in the construction of an electric railway between the two towns says the statesman of boise idalla and it is understood will have the backing of eastern financiers in the enterprise which promises to develop into one of exceptional importance the operating company is now in process of formation and will shortly be e incorporated in this state prominent citizens of boise and payette are behind the enterprise which is now assuming tangible form and from their conversation it is inferred they will shortly be in position to give out details of the project quite a lot of preliminary work has already been done and the men back of the company have the reputation of pushing their enterprises through when once they decide upon plans the intention is to build a trolley road from payette to new plymouth thence to falks store and on to emmett taking in small towns by the way from emmett the line will run iun to pearl and through to boise by way of willow creek dry creek and ox bow power from the pa payette y ette the power for the road will be obtained from the payette river the principal power house to be located at the mouth of the coughanour ditch which will be enlarged to permit of the generation of several thousand horsepower other power plants will be erected where deemed best and the assurance is given that this feature of the enterprise will occasion the promoters no trouble whatever it is said a considerable portion of the right of way has been secured and the people to be directly benefited by the line are enthusiastic over the prospects of its construction st and will aid the company in every way pos possible sibe will tap rich tract the road will pass through some of the richest land in the state of idaho and should prove drove of inestimable value to all inhere interests S t 8 in the boise and payette valleys the ter 0 to be traversed is already well pop popl and the construction of the road Is ia t certain to bring in additional settlers ai as well as develop other enterprises now lt ing power and transportation y the company will in all likelihood be capitalized zed at and a considerable por tion of the stock will be taken in boise and payette the construction of branch lines is also contemplated but plans of the company have not sufficiently matured to permit of any definite announcement at this point |