Show MINING INDUSTRY BEST OF ALL the united states census for 1890 says an exchange collected some very complete information about the number of persons and the amount amount of capital engaged in the national industries and the value of their output briefly summarized they are as follows persons were engaged in ag ri culture the total value of the farm products shows that the amount produced per capita was 00 were engaged in the forest industries logging sawmills and the like the net value of the produce per man was 00 were engaged in the manufacturing fac turing industries deducting the cost of materials and the miscellaneous cel laneous expenses the net value of the products per man was 00 were employed in the mining milling and si sm elting of gold sil ver I copper lead and zinc coal and iron not included here the value of the output for each man employed em bloyed was 1910 00 average return per man engaged in agriculture in forest industries in manufacturing 1910 in metal mines inthe in the census year the mines of the met 1 1 i A al als named returned on an average to each qt of their workers six and a halt half times as much as the farms four and a half haf times as much as the forests and two and a halt half times as much as the manufactures this was the average return in spite of the enormous amount of unproductive labor that is thrown away in ill advised mining ventures while the workers in other fields had all the tha advantage of laborsaving labor saving machinery and of the highly developed manufacturing economies which key up every mans production to the highest possible pitch in the first six months of this year 99 was declared in dividends by different mining concerns although labor troubles and a badly fluctuating market for the various products have had to be contended with can any other branch of business show a like record if they can there is no record of it |