Show the ruby hill tunnel mining company has contracted with john L williams and dan davies to extend the south crosscut in the tunnel a distance of twenty feet and will pay 1050 per foot for the work this south crosscut is in a distance of about 1700 feet from the mouth of the tunnel and at a depth of over feet from the surface the work was commenced a week ago and the new ground is reported to be looking most favorable sentinel eureka nev stateline Stat eline oracle the write up of this district in the salt lake mining review of october 30 probably without question has done more good for this camp than all other advertising put together and yet there are a great number of claim owners in the district who imagine that the camp will come out on its merits of course it will but how the dickens will the outside investors know of thee the merits unless the camp ls is advertised in some manner it is absolutely necessary to advertise in order to let them know of the mineral wealth that this afa brict contains 0 |