Show MINERAL SURVEYS ORDERED nos to inclusive for the spring no 1 and four other lodes in unorganized district tooele thoele county application made by great divide mines co R H browne surveyor no for the enterprise and two other lodes in clifton district tooele thoele county application made by marcus E jones J H pitts surveyor no for the magpie mine and four other lodes in little cottonwood district salt lake county application made by superior alta mining co J H winwood win wood surveyor no to inclusive for the history and three other lodes in west mountain district salt lake county application made by united states mining co wm win M bradley attorney J F smith jr surveyor nos and for the hazel huckel and lady franklin lodes in west mountain district salt lake county application made by niagara M S co wm M bradley attorney J F smith jr surveyor no for the jersey fraction lode in tintic gintic district juab county application made by thos weir heber K burton surveyor no for the dewey no 1 and eight other lodes in blue ledge district wasatch county application made by st louis ontario mining co R E ross attorney T J paul surveyor no for the winner and six other lodes in little cottonwood district salt lake county application made by the bingham centennial mining co bradley attorneys J H winwood win wood surveyor no for the mars no 2 lode in snake creek district wasatch county application made by henry tattersall harrington sanford attorneys wm B searle surveyor no for the gurdon fraction lode in west mountain district salt lake county application made by united states mining go co wm M bradley attorney J F smith jr surveyor no for the patrick E lode in snake creek district wasatch county application made by clarissa G C M co E W attorney john T tre breckon ckon surveyor no for the hanna no 1 and eight other lodes in blue ledge district wasatch county application made by east ontario mining co R I 1 E ross attorney S jpaul surveyor no for the rush lode iode in rush valley district tooele thoele county application made by the honerine tunnel mining co snyder wright attorney 0 L knight surveyor no for fraction no 1 and three other claims in west mountain district application made by copper glance M M co W H gray attorney A R talamantes surveyor no for the groesbeck whitney and three other lodes in tintic gintic district application made by groesbeck whitney transvaal M co J T williams attorney G surveyor |