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Show PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. (Consult county clerk or the respective einrsfmfurUie IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PROBATE division, in and for Salt Lake couni state of Utah. In the m .tier of the estate of Pietro Cercone deceased. Notice. The petition of F. Ansel .ravins for the issuance to himself , ome other suitable person ot letters of administration administra-tion in the estate of pietro Cercone, deceased, de-ceased, has been set for hearing on Fi day, the 27th day of July, A. D. 1017. at 10 o'clock a- m.. at the county courthouse, court-house, in the courtroom of said court in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county, Utah-Witness Utah-Witness the clt;rk of said court, wirn the seal thereof afnxed, this 12th day of Julv, A. D. 1917. (Seal) THOS. HOMER. Clerk By J. E. Clark, Deputy Clerk. Weber, Olson & Lewis, Attornevs for Petitioner. ' x2243 |