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Show COMMERCIAL CLUB NAMES COMMITTEES Arrangements for Membership Campaign Cam-paign Are Considered by Organization, At the meeting of the board of gov-, ernors of the Commercial club yesterday yester-day the matter of finances and membership mem-bership was gone into. F. C. Richmond, president of the club, made a short report re-port and the governors will consider ways and means to increase the membership. Standing committees were appointed by the board of governors yesterday to conduct con-duct the affairs in regard to the raising of finances and membership. A. N. McKay Mc-Kay was named as chairman of the membership mem-bership committee and this committee Is to be called together at an early date to determine on a membership campaign, it was said. C. W. Nibley was named as the chairman of the finance committee commit-tee and Joseph Decker as chairman of the house committee. A number of routine matters were disposed of by the board. The committees appointed are as follows: House committee Joseph Decker, C. A. Fa us. H. K. Byrne. Membership committee A. N. McKay, chairman; W. N. Williams, Dr. Fred Stauffer, Edward Rosenbaum, W. J. Halloran. Finance committee C. W. Nibley, chairman; W. C. Orem, F. W. Hornung, John Pingree, W. W. Armstrong, James Ingebretsen. |