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Show t-MNECESSARY NOISE TO BE SUPPRESSED ( a OGDEN, July 19. W. W. Rawaon, su- i pcriniendent at the Thomas D. Dee Memorial Me-morial hospital, lias filed a request with Mayor A. It. Hey wood asking that a zonu with restrictions against unneces- ; sary nnisc be established on Harrison; avenue, between Twenty-third and Twen- ! ty-fifth streets. . The hospital Is located on Harrison n venue at Twenty-fourth street and Mr. liawgen contends that patients are disturbed dis-turbed by the open mufflers and unnecessary unneces-sary noise made by automobiles and motorcycles parsing the institution at all hours of the night. Harrison avenue Is tiie principal route between Ogden and the canyon. Mayor Hey wood promised prom-ised to take some action in the matter. |