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Show LUMBER AND SHINGLE INDUSTRY TIED UP PRATTLE. Wash., July ID. At the headquarters of the International Shingle Weavers' union today it was said that reports from all mill centers flowed that i'.O'iO men in the state of Washington were on strike and that the state's entire en-tire lumber and shingle industry was tied up. Representatives of the Lumber Manufacturers' Manu-facturers' Protective assoeiaf.on admitted thai it had become practically impossible i to 0 crate the mills in western Washing-! ton ow;r to the spread of the eight- our strikes of the shimrle weavers. I limber weavers and Industrial Workers ! of the Vorld. Lead ing lumbermen sa'd they nad found it i'upepslbje to find head 'or tail : to t;-e strike, much k ss to rival with the "We do not know and the strikers ' t :--:n.-!Mvcs do not seem to know what! the strike is nil about." declared a rep- j re se n ta live of the 1 u m be rm e n ' s co m ir. i t- 1 tee. ' |