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Show AMERICANS SHOT 24 HOURS AFTER ARREST Elaboration of Story Concerning Con-cerning Attempt on Life of the Kaiser. AMSTERDAM, July 20. An attempt on Emperor William's life by two Americans was reported today by a person who states that he knows the circumstances. According to his story, two men managed man-aged to pet near the emperor at great headquarters on July 3, before the emperor em-peror went to Vienna. The men were seized by detectives, the tale goes, and were found to be in possession of revolvers. re-volvers. It is said these men, both Americans, had been promised a large reward by an American millionaire for killing the emperor, and that thy were shot twenty -four hours after their arrest. ar-rest. The frcproinp is an elaboration of a Reutcr dispatch from Amsterdam last nlht, whlrh na id the story must be treated with necewnry reserve. |