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Show mm is still SHOWING STRENGTH In spite of an unexpected decline in siivr-r. Uu-re was a fairly ood volume of iiusine.ss yestenlay on the Salt Lake Sid k Mining exchange. Some of the hcokers lint h:ipa ter radical changes in C'oiiinihuH-Kexall. but the stock held the ground gained after the slump of Wednesday Wednes-day and v.as active at between $1.10 and $1.1.". Trading in tile general list was nominal, but without much change in prices. The exchange will be closed Monday and Tuesday, July 23 and 24. account of Pioneer day. Yesterday's record shows the transfer of ltl.r.TiO shares, with a market value of $:!1.350.50. Closing quotations quo-tations and sales follow: LISTED STOCKS. I Bil1- lAsked" Alta-.Michtsan .10 IS .12 Antelope Star ! .03) .05 Alta Consolidated I .22 I .23 Alta Tiger I .012I -02 Albion 06 .06Vi American Con. Copper HVfe .15 Alta Tunnel & T llVil .12'4 Alta C-ermania 01 .01 3i Bullion 07 .10 Boley 02V4 .02 Big Four Exploration 24 .26 Rlngham Amalgamated ... .12 .1-Vit Big Hill 03 .05 Ulg Cottonwuod Con 0414 ,0-Bi Hanniu-k Gold 56 .82 Beaver Copper 00 Bav State 01 .01-14 Beaver Lake Metals 004 Cedar-Talisman 03 .03V2 Columhus-Rexall 1.10 1.12 Colorado Con. Mines....'... -Wr. .20 Crown Point 04Vi -04 Cardiff 6.75 7.00 Croft 02 V4 .0-4 Cottonwood King 00 .01 Cottonwood Metal 03",! Cunapah 02! .10 Palv 1.40 Dragon Consolidated 25 I .31 Demijohn Consolidated ... .00l ,01Vi Empire Copper 1.30 I 1.50 Eastern Prince .00 Eagle & Blue Bell 2.37 Emerald .05 .30 Emma Consolidated 80 1.10 Earl Eagle -. .15 .30 East Crown Point 00 .01 East Tintic Consolidated.. .03 .04 Empire Mines 35l .37 Eureka Bullion 05 .05 Eureka Mine" 19 .20 East Carhonate 05 Galena Mining 02 Gold Chain 17 I .25 Grand Central 5S I .6S Great Western M. Co 071 .OS Howell 24 I .23 Home Run 00l Iron Blossom 87 I .88 Indian Queen Ql I .OHi Iron King 17 .20 Judge Mining 8.60 Kevstone 52 .65 Keno M. & M .02 .02 Lehi Tintic .02 . .02 Leonora 02 .02 Little Bell 14 Monzonlte 00 Monetaire I I .23 Mammoth 1.75 I 3.00 Miller Hill 26 I .30 Mav Dav 05l .06 Mason Valley 6.00 I 6.75 Mineral Flat 03 I .04 Moscow 16 I .20 Michigan-Utah 25 I .25 Milford Copper 1.65 I 2.00 New Quiucv 13 I .14 Neva -. 01! .01 O. K. Silver 12l .15 Ohio Copper 1.25 I 1.40 Opohongo 00 .01 Original Bannack 05 .06 Ploche-Bristol 01 Plutus 25 .29 Prince Consolidated 1.07 1.12 Paloma 05 .06 Pnloma Extension 00 .00 Price Mining 04 .07 Provo. . . . 03 .04 Rico-Argentine 07l .08 Reed's Peak I .04 I .04 Rico-Wellington ! .45 I .47 Rochester Mines ! I .60 South Standard I .12 I Sells I .20 .21 Syndicate I .00! .00 Seven Troughs I .03 I .05 Silver King Coalition 1 2.97l 3.02 Silver King Consolidated..! 3.75 1 3.85 Sioux Consolidated I ,10l .12 Swansea Consolidated f .01! .02 Smith Hecla I 1.40 I 1.75 Silver Shield I .IS I South Hecla Extension ! .04 I .05 South Iron Rlossom I I .00 Swansea Extension 1 I .00 Silver Kevstone I ! .40 Secret I .01 I .01 Texan I .15 I .20 Tar Baby I .05 I .05 Tintic Central I .05l .05 Tintic Standard I 1.70 I 1.72 United Tintic I .02! .03 T'ncle Sam I .02! .05 Utah Consolidated I .01! .01 Fnion Chief I .05! .07 Victor Consolidated I .05 .05 Whirlwind Consolidated ..I .os! .10 Wllbert ! .23 I .25 West Toledo I .12! .13 Walker Mining I 1.40 I. Woodlawn Copper I I .22 Yankee Consolidated I .07 I .0.8 Zuma ! .03 I .03 OPENING CALL. Albion. 8000 at 6c; 5200 at 6c. Alta Tunnel. 500 at llc. American Consolidated Copper, 500 . at 15c. Alta-Germania. 5000 at lc. ! Big Four Exploration, 2000 at 30c; 500 at 2sc; 1000 at 2Sc; 500 at 27c; 400 I at 27c. j Bingham Amalgamated, 500 at 12c. Big Cottonwood, 1000 at 4c. Cedar-Talisman, 1000 at 3c; 5500 at 30. I Columbus-Rexall 1200 at $1.15; S00 at I $1.12; 1400 at $1.10: 100 at $1.10, seller j sixty days; 100 at $1.12. Colorado, 200 at 20 c. Howell. 1500 at 26c. Iron Blossom. 400 at S6c. Leonora. 10,500 at 2c. Michigan-Utah. 500 at 26c. New Quincv. 500 at 15c; 1000 at 15c. Plutus. 1000 at 29c. Prince Consolidated. 600 at $1.12. Rico-Argentine. 30OO at 7c. Reed's Peak. 2200 at 5c; 1300 at 5c. Sells. 5"0 at 21c. Silver King Coalition, 150 at $3; 50 at $3.02. Silver King Consolidated, 100 at $3.82. South Hecla. jno at $1.45; 100 at $1.47. Silver Shield. 500 at 10c; 500 at isc. Tar Babv. 1000 at 6c; 200 at 6c; 1500 at 6c. Tintic Standard. 200 at $1.70; S00 at 51.72. Wilbert, 2500 at 24c. West Toledo. 1500 at 14c; 3000 at $13c. CLOSING CALL. Alta Tiger. 1000 at lc. Albion, 1000 at 6c. American Consolidated Copper, 500 at 15c. Alia Tunnel, 1500 at 12c. Alta-Germania. 2000 at lc. Big Four Exploration, 700 at 27c; 1000 at 2c. Big Cottonwood. 500 at 4c; 1000 at 4c. Hannack Gold. 100 at 61c; 100 at 60c. Columbus-Rexall. 4800 at SI. 10; moo at $1.07. seller sixty days: 2c at $1.07; 500 at $1.12. buyer sixty days; 100 at $1.15. buyer sixty days. Colorado. 1500 at 20c; 1500 at 19!c. Cardiff 100 at S6.75. Eureka Bullion. Vino at 5c. Eureka Mines. 1000 at 19c; 500 at 18.-; InOli at 10r. Howell. 500 at 25c: 500 at 25c. Iron Blossom. 100 at" 86c; 1.800 at S7o. Miller Hill. 500 at 27c. May Dav. 3c'i0 at 6c. Michigan-rtah. 50o at 25c. ' Rico-Argentine. 2000 at 7c. Reed's Peak. l,n0 at 5c; 100 at 41.c. Sells, 500 at 21c. Tor Hahv. laon at 5c. Victor Consolidated. 21.000 at 5c. West Tol'-rto. 4::no at 13c. TOTALS. Shares sold, lll.r.'in. Selling value. ?:il.S5;i.50. |