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Show NOTICE OF SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. Not i vp Is lirroly given tlm t. (lie Ooti -vcr lio Or;ind-'' tcaili-oiirl t'onipany will sell the Hoody :mri proi'Hft v 1m-i 1 1 i;i fti-r lU'Scrll'C'l, al a public auction, lo Uie hist ami hiiioist hiddci-, for c;i.'h. at I Jen-ver Jen-ver Sr Viio ("inimlc. liailro;i,i ."'oinp;i ny's local freight station, fonmr f.th West ami 2 ml Sout li si roots, Salt Ti ke fit y, state of Utah, com me no ins 1 lie s;ile at. 10 o'clock a. m.. the I wenty-l'ilTii day of July, i:n7, Hiid continuing uniii ail . the properly in sold, The said property hns not been nr-r-eileil or taken away and rharnes thei eon paid by the consimica oj- tr-eons tr-eons authorized to n;-eivo (he same, within two mnnthF, and lias remained in possession of tin; aforesaid company, wbi'-h are common r;i rnns a nd m orawo vvaieiiousiMuen, unclaimed lor moi'e liian two mon t lis from i i me of bcin chc-keil and arrival at the points of consignment. consign-ment. All of sald property will be sold In p;i y freight. .'k ciifirt-s. storage, liandlin. t ai e and nceessa ry cost s of sa le, in.bie -iiu; cost of removing sa me to place of sale. Name and address shown first In the list imiieaies !); name ni.d address ot -onsinee, :o far n knov.'n. 'Joe oi h-r mime and addiess indiculcs the nairc of the consi'.;in'r and frcun nii.n pl.irn shipped, so turns known; while Liie ntlier iien:s cover the d".-'T'Oi i n of pro; ei l y. bo far as known, and llie amount of i tie common caiiie;- iui bl'iiiiui) ware-bousemcn ware-bousemcn s pe-i nn san.'j. TIIK CKNVKIt & KIU OR AN UK HAtU-KOAD HAtU-KOAD f 'MJ'ANV. Tik k"i'. 1' 2--i;:ltt "lnlm Acnif. Hhid rs' ( m del Not ifv .M ne-i m' P-a r, I'.in-nam. I'tah. J'. Vmr, J-. . .,-) M , faiif., 1 Rbl. wine .M 'l.CA,. (irdor W. S. 'i' M'lier ":o, nol'fv h:m l:cb,v:--, sons, jdvah-, I. I., 1 k--K v.h !.' v. J k. j; Ida, k--rrv. 1 ca.-e v.diiskey .LL'. Jos. 'Jlnvo, t i o-,o I"' b' r--J.':-r I :i "s. t 'o., s-' . ileb na, f :-iif. -1 k' a v. me $ i.i.n. Ki '"1 i p,nfi'cv Ai.lninti,. ' -ln. i !, A, K nM.lf, 1 l,:,s Veias. N. M . 1 Mbl. v.:.iskcy 5JI.;. I fasper K"i- I -oiou s, Coin,, s:. lull, r -i;'MS., Ka ic-as l it v. Mu.-- 1 cask b -r c, j', ' (j Na yi ; a o. Coicna, Kan, M ko ,;.,!. .;o- Hon. fal:f.. 1 Ula: wine JM'Ji -rs' ot'b-j. notify I. a. r M- rc CO., SMI Lake f'lV, IT.. N. II, Ll'do;.!,. New Vofi i N. V . '"; i.y-: wi,ir-;y ill .'!. Kia nk L. ( .oo'. i Ual 'r., i 'i:o . Tofiv M'''iia Jnl.i son ' ' i ' ' . 1 ',ih wh.sk. J. I. Ma ..pie.. Ijuni,"!-. ton N M.. Kov:tl i;je;',-iy ., Klines , ml, , z oAr- I..-..,- n a. j-aiker la adviib', fob,., S -it La f by I'.-e'M!. f't-. .--lit Unk ',;;, I''., 1 U:d. boM'ed At'-: .Tf Kb n i !a n in loj,, iville. t v.lo.. S' ' Tit i'-i'-S. ',,., Katl-ruv, Katl-ruv, Mo.. '1 .a fo,.P (wr .1 ?.m. :.-nv. A.AA La,;.- C;y. ft,, fno- ; -dO Wboi'-aie f -o . I ..;omido. ( alii., I f..x v.iia- K.'yA. "' ojo. r- N'.t'fy j M:n-:s' i'a r. hi am. .ri--Bj.f'( Vnbr.ir, I V a It : : . j ;' ' V ' I'io 1 f o., Na s h vj": ! Term., in V.-j: r :' ' |