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Show 4 . f Turf Results, Entries, Weights and Riders , Windsor Kesults, By International News Service. J First race, $SiH). two-year-olds, five furlongs Bencher. 115 (Bell) $3.60. (..60 aad $2.10. won; Flame, 116 (Mink) $2. SO and $2.20. second: Blackburn. Black-burn. 120 (Rice) $2.40, third. Time, 1:06 4-5. Bell Brandon and Mies Edwards also ran. Second race, JSGO, three -year-olds and up, claiming, five and a half furlongs Hondo, 100 (Dooohue) $9.70. $3.70 and $3.10, won; "Between Us, 112 (Louder) $3.6rt and $3.10, second ; Zlndel, 102 (Collins) (6.00, third. Time. 1:11 1-5. .Droll. Violet. Wat. Thoughtful, Ed Garrison, Regresso and King Mart alo ran. Third race, six furlongs Blind Baggage. 128 (Shilling) $4.10. (3.00 anc (2.60. won; Hodge, 125 (Hunt) 52.90 and $2. SO, second; Celto, 102 (Louder) $2.70, third. . Time. 1:16. Hauberk, Sky les Knob and Candle also ran. Fourth race, one mile Berlin. 106 (Stearns) $8. 20. $4. SO and $2,60. won ; Waukeag. 106 (Par-riugton) (Par-riugton) $5.20 and $2.70. second; Priacflla Mullens, Mul-lens, 101 (Collins) $2.30, third. Time, 1:47. Rosewood, Highland Lad and William the Fourth also ran. Fifth race, five furlongs C. A. Comlskey, 116 (Mory) $6.00, $1.10 and $3.40, won; Start Right. 109 (Louder) $6. JO and (4.30, second; Desire, 105 (Stearne) $3.50, third. Time. 1 :06 2-5. Cobrlta, Red Salmon. Pastime. Bit cf Blarney, Little Sweeper. Lord Herbert, Dirty Face, Saints Briii gn and Will Soon also ran. Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth Will Do. 109 (Ennisi $24.50. S13.40 and $5.70. won; Irregular. Ir-regular. 100 (Keller) $11.30 end $5.50. second; Edith Bauman. 102 (Rodriguez) $5.10, third. Time, 1:50. Joe D., Miss Fannie and Page White also ran. Seventh race, one mile Lazy Lou, W (Kopple-man) (Kopple-man) $13.00. $5. SO and $4.30, won; Sun Maid. 105 (Louder) S5.00 and S3. 70, second : Goldcrest Boy, 110 Partington) $4.40. third. Time. 1:44 i-a. rrinci riermis, bryn Lamah. Schemer, Star Shooter, Mlladi Anne, Alhena and Star of Love also ran. Empire Results. By International News Service. First race, three-year-old fillies, conditions on mile Bella Desmond. 1 !2 (. Buxton) 1 to 3, won; Bedtime Stores, 112 (Lyke) 9 to 2, 4 to 5 and 1 to 4, second; Golden Rod, 108 (Robinson) 15 to 1. 5 to 2 and 1 to t. third. Time. 1:41 4-5. Corpuscls aud Glory Belle also ran. Second . race, two-year-olds, eelling. five fur- 1 longs George W. Avery, 103 (Kleeger) 16 to 5, ; 6 to 5 and 1 lo 2, won; Cave Man, 100 (Rowan) 7 to 2. 6 to 6 and 1 to 2, second; School Girl, 104 (Lyke) 11 to 5. 8 to 10 and 1 to 3. third. ' Time, 1:02. Runecraft, Georgia Kelly and Gyp also ran. Third race, three-year-olds and up. Chappaqua handicap, selling, one mlleSasin. 105 (Lyke) 16 to 5, 6 to 5 and 1 to 2. won; Suran. 103 (Connelly) (Con-nelly) 3 to 1, even and 1 to 2, second; Hanobala. 106 (McTaggart) 7 to 1. 2 to 1 and 7 to 10. third. Time, 1 :40 4-5. Wooden Shoes also ran. Fourth race, three-year-olds and up. the Hillsdale Hills-dale handicap, about six furlongs Paniaretn, 135 (Mott) 8 to 5. 3 to o and out. won; Caprlca. 127 (Knapp) 9 to 5, 7 to 10 and out. second; Diamond. Dia-mond. 100 (Rowan) 12 to 1. 4 to 1 nnd 8 to 5. third, Time. 1:19 2-5. Rhine Maiden, Federal Girl and Divisions also ran. Fifth race, ihree-y oar-olds and up. Belling, on 8 milt and seventy yards Ed Roche, 10$ (Rowan) II to 20, out and out. won; Star Finch. 112 (Robinson) (Rob-inson) 9 tu 5. 1 to 4 and out. second ; Precise. 103 (MrGraw) 12 to 1. T to 5 and out, third. Time, 1:43 2-5. Only three etarters. SiTth race, two-year-old maidens, five furlongs , Currency, 112 (McAtee) 2 to 1, 7 to 10 and 1 to 4. won ; Red Sox, 112 (Knapp) 17 to 10. 3 to 5 and 1 to 4. second; Poacher. 112 (Lyke) 5 to 2, 4 to 5 and 1 to 8, third. Time, 1:01 4-5. Bern Lul. Payment, Frances Crawford and Bow-bells Bow-bells also ran. Windsor Entries. By International News Service. First race, three-year-old maidens, sailing, sii furlongs Rosanne 9S, Outlaw 92, Frasescuelo 102, Duchess of Llswel) 503. Dr. Campbell 101, Trent Ino 10;, Carrie Louise 97, Banyan 90. Lyn-ette Lyn-ette 107. Second race, three-year-olds and up. six furlongs fur-longs Philistine 113, Conflagration 113. Preserver Pre-server 105, Repton 110, White Crown 110, Little Abe 110. Also eligible: Maxim's Choice 110, Caidonic 111. Please Welles 105. Ardent 103, Zin-del Zin-del 10S. Miss Gayle 111. Bert WUIlams 103, Jack Wiggins 97, Joe Finn 105. Sea Urchin 105. Anna Edgar 9S, Between I's 103, Marjorle 108, Kathryn Gray 9$, Fleetabelle 111. Third race, two-year -olds, five furlongs Jack Hare. Jr. 111. Fern Handley 100, Lord Herbert 103, fStormbound 103, Gipsy Queen 105. Mehafley 103. tNorth Sea 100, Viva American 118, Prince Igoe 102. tHendry entry. Fourth race, three-year -olds and up, one mile and a sixteenth Rancher 121, Burglar 102, Smart Money 100, Hubbub 100, Marion Goosby 111. King Neptune 100. Fifth race. Dominion handicap, three-year-olds and up, one mile Tartarean 11G, Amphlon 108. tCorn Broom 114, Prince Phllisthorpe 104, tKath-leen tKath-leen H. 9$. Garish Sun 107. tlsabelle H. 101, Copper King 111, Loneland 110, Gala Dress 103, Silk Bird 110. Akeldma 101, iOld Pop 111. tHendry entry. JCrew entry. Sixth race, three-year-olds and up, selling, one mile and an eighth Bac HI. Aprlsa 94, Alda 107. Wodan 107. Gartley 91, First Star 104, Sam Slick 101. Reno 107. Pepper Sauce 99, Baby's SUter 102. Cliff Field 116. Seventh race, three-year-olds and up, one mile Black Toney 107. Kinney 103, Obolus 107, Gold-crest Gold-crest Boy 104. Candle 103. Franklin 103. Bradley's. Brad-ley's. Choice 107. Crumpsall 94, Tush Tush 104. Weather clear; track faet. Empire City Entries. By International News Service. First race, three-year-olds, selling, one mile-Intone mile-Intone 118, Ed Roche 118. Favour 113. Starlike 108. Nigel 10S, Courtship 105, Maiden Hermann 103. Lady Rotba 111, Traction 103. Tbornhill 113, Julia L. 108. J. J. Lillis 113. Miss Kruter 111. Pullux 115. Onwa 108. Margaret L. 93, Bond 103. Harwood II 118. Wise Mau 113. Muck Ross 108. Sir William Johnson 10S. Second race, three -yt?ar-olds and up, one mile and a sixteenth Election 109, Dick Williams 120, St. Isadoro 126. Third ract?, two-year-olds, the East View stakes of $5000, about six furlongs Ban try 116. Caddie 110, Cumaih 110, Dr. Johnson 114, The Spinner 114. Ultima Thule 114. Happy Go Lucky 116. Fourth race, three-year-olds, the Empire City derby of $5000. one mile and a furlong Ticket 119, Ballad 115, Lucius 112, Corn Tassel 112. Rickety 117. Fifth rare, three-vcar-nlHs nnrf nn rlalminv about sis furlongs Master McGrath 110, Broom Vale 111, Counsel 113, Mabrose 109. Owagn 10S, Manganese 111, Hops 111, Mr. Specs 111. Plumose 10C. King Baggott 104, Mae Murray 106. Spring Song 37, Yankee Notions 117. Polly J. 99. Scar-pla Scar-pla II !04. Also eligible: None Such 116. Hickory Hick-ory Nut 102. Cheer 105, Imperjtor 111, palisade 105. Josephine Zarate 112. Starlike 110, Hldden Star 104, Leonia 105. Marse Henry 115, Sir Richard 104, The Grader 111, Othello 106, Plau-dito Plau-dito 106. Sixth race, two-year-olds, condition, five furlongsThe fur-longsThe Spinner 122. Dr. Johnson 122, Cum-sah Cum-sah 117. American 117, Currency 117. Star Spangled Span-gled 125. Prunes 122. Deline Patricia 119. Empress Em-press 119, Red Sox 117. Herder 117. Magneto 117. Cor.sora 122, Starring Banner 117. Winsome Vera 122. Apprentice allowance claimed. Track fast; weather cloudy. |