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Show ASSESSMENT NOTICE, j Notice is hereby tiven 'tha t at a meet-i meet-i in;? of the directors of the Oopper-i Oopper-i Uranium Mining Coir.pnny June L'o. H17, Ian .is-fHsmi.T.L of 2 mills cali was Ivvifd u on tiie capital fioek of saul nmpauy. ll'aai.le at once, ar.d dvlimnient July ,;"o, ; lt'17. l'avai ie to the ti fasarer. titu. ', : Flamm. lxlmm. Idah.o. If not paid when dehnqiie.ui. said stock ! will he adurtis,-tl and sold ji.vomhi- to ; law. c-ec-i;(;e w. fla.m.m, Secretary. j Rexburs. Idah.o. 174'i |