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Show NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 11 a. in. Monday, July 26, for building and completing an additional story on top of the piesent Nurses' home at the county infirmary. Twenty-first trouth and State streets, Salt L,ake county, coun-ty, Utah, according to plans and specifications speci-fications prepared therefor by Cannon St Fetzer. architects, and which it re open for inspection at their office, 50C Temple- 9 ton building, city, and also at the office of the undersigned. Bids will be publiciy opened and read at said time at the office of the undersigned at tho city and county coun-ty building. Each bid must be accompanied accompa-nied by a certified check for 5 per cent. A satisfactory surety bond will be required re-quired of the success! ul bidder. Contract and bond forms may be seen at the office of-fice of the architects. The right is re- , served to reject ar.v and all bids. BOA HD OF COL'NTV COMMISSIONERS SALT LAKE COUNTY. Bv Lafayette HarichtHt. Chairman, ;:)i.n.) " Attest: Thomas Homer. County Clerk. x656 |