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Show Mj The Breeden Office Supply Co. Bj Are the most lnodern stationers and of- Hj flee specialty people In the State. Here- j tofore anything new had to be ordered M from the East, but these people carry B all the most modern labor paving office B appliances In slock, antt what 19 more, H they can explain their uses, The young people of the Westminster Presbyterian church will give a supper in the church parlors this evening, 5:30 to S:C0 o'clock. 25c. The Underwood Typewriter Writes everything in plain sight besides doing nil that other machines will do. It Is the best writing machine made. The BREEDER OFFICE SUPPLY CO.. Agents, C2 West Second South. $1.00 TELEPHONES For Residences. 20 outgoing calls pel month. No charge for Incoming calls. 2"yc for- excess ex-cess calls. $2.00 TELEPHONES 4 For H-osidences. Unlimited service. ROCKY MOUNTAIN BELL TELEPHONE TELE-PHONE CO. Found a Cure for Indigestion. I use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different remedies. reme-dies. I am nearly ilfty-onc yeurs of age and have suffered a great deal from Indigestion. I. can eat almost anything I want lo now. George W. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala. For sale by all lead-lug lead-lug druggestc. Bears tio j T:3 K,ni1 Yo'J Haw WwaJs EXCURSION RATES Via Oregon Short Line. St. Louis and return ....$42.50 Chicago and return 47.50 Chicago and return via St. Louis. GO. 00 St Louis and return via Chicago.. 60.00 Limit 60 days. Transit limit 10 days In each direction. TlcketB on sale Tuesday and Fridays each week. Stopovers allowed. A Globe Wernicke Piling1 Cabinet, Building up in sections, growing as your business grows, is a money making, labor la-bor saving assistant. Properly adapted lo your need.v by The BKEEDEN OFFICE SUPPLY COM System Experts, 62 West Second South. EXCURSION RATES Via Oregon Short Line. St. Louis and return $42.50 Chicago and return , 47.60 Chicago and return via St. Loui9. 60.00 St. Louis and return via Chicago.. 60.00 Limit 60 days. Transit limit 10 days In each direction. Tickets on sale Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Stopovers allowed. Typewriters of all manes for rent or sale AT UNDERWOOD AGENCY, ROOM 1, 11 WEST FIRST SOUTH. 'PHONE 1947. KWrUTSFOKD HOTEL. The one placo for comfort and elegance. ele-gance. Fireproof; telephones In every room! modern h: every way. Embroidery sale at Walker's, don' I miss it. You know what our embroidery embroi-dery sales are. |