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Show THE WISCONSIN REPUBLICANS. The double convention held by the Republicans of Wisconsin yesterday was the natural outgrowth of La Fol-lettclsm. Fol-lettclsm. Two tonus as Governor would not content him, and neither would the appropriate functions of the Governor's office suffice, but he wanted the Legislature Legis-lature and tho courts also. No wonder a large fragment of the party prob-ubly prob-ubly the majority revolted, and In spite of his very strong and perfectly organized machine, declined to minister minis-ter further to his vanity and domineering. domineer-ing. The Jmmediato cause of the double convention was the act of tho La Fol-lette Fol-lette committee in claiming jurisdiction to docido between contested delegations, and throwing out eighty-five delegates who claimed the right to have these rightB settled by the convention itself. This arbitrary action made an cmphutlc protest necessary, and the double convention con-vention Is the result. That there must be far more than ordinary merit in the anti-third termers' term-ers' course Is evident from the fact that Senators Spooner and Quarlcs and a number of the Representatives in Congress Con-gress from Wisconsin, recognize their convention as the regular one. And with thogo Senators as delegates-at-lurge to present their case in the National Na-tional convention It will bo strango Indeed In-deed if they are not recognized by tho Republican National convention. It would Indeed be strange if the National Na-tional convention refused to seat Senators Sen-ators Spooner and Quarles, and the delegates del-egates that go with them. So fur as that goes, La Follette and his followers would have no show whatever against the other delegation. History repeats Itself pretty regularly in the doings of tho Republican party In that State. And It Is always a Republican Re-publican Governor that smashes things. Hoard did it before, and now La Follette Fol-lette does it. The split makes it practically prac-tically certain that a Democratic Governor Gov-ernor will bo elected, and It may even endanger tho Stato for the Republican Presidential nominee. |